Supports the following Weather Stations
Supports the most popular electronic weather stations including from Davis, Oregan Scientific, La Crosse, Texas Instruments, RainWise, Irox, Fine Offset, Acurite, Bloomsky, WeatherFlow and many more
- Multi language support: German, Italian,Spanish, French, Danish, Swedish, Norwegian
- For Win98/2000/ME/XP/VISTA/W7/W8/W8.1/W10/11 and NT4 , linux/Raspberry Pi,OSX
- Send your data to Weather underground or Hamweather/weather for you (PWS), CWOP, UK WOW,Awekas,Wetter,Weather cloud,Anything Weather and Twitter
- You can create your own web page, using over 200 custom tags in a template
- You can use the relatively inexpensive Dallas 1 wire/HobbyBoards temperature or humidity sensors or Labjack with your existing weather station to give you more temperature or humidity sensors (10 temperature and 4 humidity sensors supported)
- Generate all day and last hour video movies and uploaded automaticly
- Detailed climate and rain reports
- Customise the main screen and add custom tags to display the data you want to see.
- Ability to plot watts power useage from a CurrentDevice power monitor
- Free iPhone and Android app to display real time weather data from your uploaded clientraw.txt file or over your home WIFI
- Send Push Notifications of weather alerts to your mobile device (or email/text)
- Compatible with the HobbyBoards 8 channel 1 wire relay (and includes remote control mobile app)
- Compatible with the 'Saratoga template' : http://saratoga-weather.org/wxtemplates/WXwebsite.php
- Compatible with the 'Leuven template' : http://support.leuven-template.eu/
- Compatible with meteotemplate.com
- Compatible with 'PWS_Dashboard': https://pwsdashboard.com/
- Compatible with the 'Steel Gauges' (HTML5)
- Compatible with the 'Fresh WDL' (HTML5)
- Full Secure FTP support (SSL or SSH i.e FTPS/SFTP)
- MYSQL and MS SQL support
- Compatible with the purpleair and Davis air quality sensor
- Compatible with Davis WLL and weatherlink.com
- Compatible with ambientweather.net
- Compatible with MQTT
- Compatible with Ecowitt GW1000/GW1100/GW2000(Whittboy)
- Compatible with Ecowitt/Ambient and Clone stations that have a console that can be set to send custom wunderground HTTP weather server
- Compatible with WeatherWizz.com weather site
- Compatible with IFTTT (setup hooks to send to Twitter or Facebook page via Pro account)
Download Weather Display now
Only 58 US$ for lifetime free upgrades
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Latest News!
Version 10.37S Build 152
News:26th November 2023: Added IFTTT support (so Twitter and Facebook support is back) New Compiler used, WD runs faster!.Mac Version now available in the Apple Mac Store!.New Mac version works much better with Monterey.Added support for Ecowitt Whittboy:Added support for weatherwizz.com .Added Added manual humidity offset mapping table function. "When was last time". 13th December: New updated compiler version. 12th September 2020. Added support for the new Davis Air Quality sensor.:23th May 2019. Added support for Davis WLL.Added support to upload data to Windy.com.Added support to upload data to Openweathermap.Added MQTT support.Wunderground API will close on the 22nd March. WD latest version now supports the new API. You will need to use this if you use the WU Almanac or WU data.25th February 2019 :Added support for Windguru.Fixed bug with Januuary climate report.Faster history processing.Added support for ambientweather.net .Added support for OS WMR89.Added support for 280 Twitter limit.Added support for Homeweather API. Added main screen custom to Mac and Linux versions.Improved Linux versions. Added support for history data from WeatherFlow station.Added support for the "purpleair.com" air quality sensor.Added support for NOAA NWS API Point Forecast.Fix for individual dial images pointer not matching value number.Added Bloomsky station support. |