1st October 2024 10.37S Build 152 update:added suppoort for Ecowitt  WN90LP Ultrasonic station with  comport connection
25th September 2024 10.37S Build 152 update:added new totals (kw/hr and ET) to for the climatedatasolaruv.html (rename to climatedata.html in the webfiles folder) and created a template for year to date too (climatedatayearsolaruv.html)
19th August 2024 10.37S Build 152 update: Support added a for a new 1 wire barometer sensor (DS2401P TSP200)
8th August 2024 10.37S Build 152 update: Important fix for where a corrupted image that is loaded would cause an catastrophic access violation at start up,which would crash the program completly. Also a fix for the 5 day forecast 
for detecting midngight as night time
7th August 2024 10.37S Build 151 update: improvement for cronnetatmo. Fix for a couple of custom tags. Other minor fixes and improvements. 
Added Davis Vue option so as to not have a forecast output as it does not produce one
19th May 2024 10.37S Build 151 .update: fix for GPS NMEA station type start up error for RS422 type
16th May 2024 10.37S Build 151 .update: Added direct twitter support back (defaults to IFTTT, un set that ). .zip update on download removed for various reasons
14th May 2024 10.37S Build 151 .update: Improvement /fix for Ecowitt support. New Code Signed all the .exe programs
24th April 2024 10.37S Build 151 .update: Improvement /fix for websocket data for cronweatherflow
4th April 2024 10.37S Build 151 .zip update: Another update to wdxmlwarning.exe
24th March 2024 10.37S Build 151 .zip update: Fix for leaft wetness and soil moisture Ecowitt
27th February  2024 10.37S Build 151 .zip update: Fix for wdxmlwarning.exe (new API) (this time!)
3rd February 2024 10.37S Build 150 update: Fix for possible spam flag from weather warning emails
29th Janurary 2024 10.37S Build 150 update: Improvements to the cronweatherflow app
10th Janurary 2024 10.37S Build 150 update: Fix for WU Stationless history data resetting the main WD logfile
7th Janurary 2024 10.37S Build 150 update: Fix for GPS trial error
4th Janurary 2024 10.37S Build 150 update: Minor fixes and imrovements
1st December 2023 10.37S Build 150 update: Fix for Texas instruments Network Weather Station rain and using status option.Fix for reception data Davis WLL
26th November 2023 10.37S Build 150 update: Fix/improvement for Davis History download
7th November 2023 10.37S Build 149 update: Added Mastodon support (see in the Twitter setup).Fix for weather dials only
6th November 2023 10.37S Build 149 update: Added IFTTT support - Twitter works again (and even Facebook (pages))
25th October 2023 10.37S Build 149 update: Fix for weather report formating
17th August 2023 10.37S Build 149 update: Fix for weather report #2 if set to use auth login
5th August 2023 10.37S Build 149 update: Fix for weatherlink.com for when the DID KEY is lower case
2nd August 2023 10.37S Build 149 update: Fix for netatmo exiting
15th July 2023 10.37S Build 149: Fix for netatmo support after major API change
5th July 2023 10.37S Build 148: Fix for cronweatherflow web sockect-> rain data. And fix for history data (after original API change). Whew.
1st July 2023 10.37S Build 148: Fix for top of graph labels background colour
29th June 2023 10.37S Build 148: Improvement for Davis History data reliability
27th June 2023 10.37S Build 148: Update to cronweatherflow , fixes rain (using web socket)
30th May 2023 10.37S Build 148: Update to cronweatherflow after breaking changes in api
23rd May 2023 10.37S Build 148: Added missing storm rain to weatherlink.com live data method
11th May 2023 10.37S Build 148: Update to moviemaker.exe
2nd May 2023 10.37S Build 148: Update, fix for wunderground send via cronwdwu.exe
17th April 2023 10.37S Build 148: Update, fix for solar units web table
13th April 2023 10.37S Build 148: Update, fix for rain doubling after history download from weatherlink.com
1st April 2023 10.37S Build 148: Faster processing of history data on start up from data loggers etc
27th March 2023 10.37S Build 147: Update: Fixed issue with link for graph only web table
16th March 2023 10.37S Build 147: Update: added option to use MSSQL Express to WDmssql.exe
3rd  February 2023 10.37S Build 147: Update: Improvement for Weather Flow cloud based rain option
19th  Janurary 2023 10.37S Build 147: Update: Fix for rain from Texas station
18th  Janurary 2023 10.37S Build 147: Update: Fix for when using console rain setting
13th  Janurary 2023 10.37S Build 146: .zip Update: New compiler version, requires new Edge browser (should auto install the run time for that if not found). Runs 10% faster.
Added support for Ecowitt camera.
11th  Janurary 2023 10.37S Build 145:Update: Fix for degree symbol re warning alert email
8th  Janurary 2023 10.37S Build 145:Update: Added more auto scale graph colour customisation
30th  December 2022 10.37S Build 145:Update:  Fix for Ecowitt history (protocol error)
20th  December 2022 10.37S Build 145:Update:  Fix for weatherflow history
18th December 2022 10.37S Build 145:Update:  New crontwittersetup.exe , that now uses more modern installed browser for compatibility
9th December 2022 10.37S Build 145:Update: Fix for WD closing but not restarting if set to use CWOP remote data as data source
5th December 2022 10.37S Build 145:Update: Fix for Davis WLL API history data for certain circumstances
21st November 2022 10.37S Build 145:Update: Fix for Davis WLL temperature conversion
2nd November 2022 10.37S Build 144:Update: Fixed soil moisture for new Custom HTTP WU method (Ecowitt/Ambient and clones stations)
28th October 2022 10.37S Build 144:Update: Added ability to use custom wunderground weather server from Ambient/Ecowitt or clones weather stations (console or Bridge)
25th October 2022 10.37S Build 144:Update: Fix /improvement for wdmysql program for when a lot of records (fixes out of memory error)
21st October 2022 10.37S Build 144:Update: Improvement for history import fpr wdmysql program
9th October 2022 10.37S Build 144:Update: fix for BCC in email list for warning emails (updated wdwarningemail.exe) and fix for test send
4th October 2022 10.37S Build 144:Added ability to customise software type string sent to CWOP
18th September 2022 10.37S Build 143 update:Fix for wind direction Ecowitt API history data
5th September 2022 10.37S Build 143 update:Improvements for handling Ecowitt API history data
27th August 2022 10.37S Build 143 update:Fix for Vaisala WXT536 NMEA data
18th August 2022 10.37S Build 143 Full install update:Fix for the wdxmlwarning program
17th August 2022 10.37S Build 143 update:Fix for Purple Air API error message if not internet connection
7th August 2022 10.37S Build 143 update:Fix for Ecowitt history data 
5th August 2022 10.37S Build 143 update:Added time of last lightning strike info derived from Ecowitt API data feed. WD Mac version now in the Apple Store (note, settings and data in separate location to version from WD download page (~/Library/containers/Data/Documents/wdisplay)
18th July 2022 10.37S Build 143 update:Fix for HTTP option for ecowitt crongw1000
24th June 2022 10.37S Build 143 update:New update of the wdwebcamcapture.exe program. The author of the component used has fixed a small memory leak
16th June 2022 10.37S Build 143 update:Improvement for handling of Purple air AQI after changes to their system (this time its fixed)
5th June 2022 10.37S Build 141  update:Improvement for handling of Ecowitt Peizo rain (prority setting) and rain rate from Ecowitt when set to use console rain total
31st May 2022 10.37S Build 140  update:Improvement for handling Davis WLL UDP data
29th May 2022 10.37S Build 140  update:Work on purple air support after they made a change. Fix for Meteohub
15th May 2022 10.37S Build 140  update: Added Extra colour setup (max/min temp)
27th April 2022 10.37S Build 139  update: Added support for the new Ecowitt Whittboy/GW2000/GW1100 (uses http ), set that option to use (only way to get rain data from the Wittboy)
26th April 2022 10.37S Build 139  update: Fix for error when adding past data to MYQSL (updated wdmysql.exe program)
20th April 2022 10.37S Build 139  update: Fix for a change that google made for gmail that prevented some users not getting emails when using gmail. Improvements for Davis WLL support.
14th April 2022 10.37S Build 139  update: Fix for degree symbol not being removed from weather report if that is set in the settings. Option added to use UVI for Ecowitt for UV. Added option to start crongw1000 hidden
7th April 2022 10.37S Build 139 .zip update: Fix for bug with rain for Aus 9am detailed rain chart.
2nd April 2022 10.37S Build 138 .zip update: Fix for option to use WeatherHome.mdb as data source not updating
18th March 2022 10.37S Build 138 update:Improvement for handling console month and year rain and yessterday rain totals Davis WLL. Added Iotawatt IP energy use support.
25th February 2022 10.37S Build 138 update:Fix for soil moisture from Ecowitt data (raw data is % and not CB as thought)
21st February 2022 10.37S Build 137 update:Fix for max windspeed stopping for 10 minutes when max speed for day occurs for Davis WLL
11th February 2022 10.37S Build 135 update:A couple more improvements/fixes for Ecowitt API support. Added support for new purpleair API (air qualty sensor)
9th February 2022 10.37S Build 135 update:Fix this time for memory leak with new Ecowitt API support
7th February 2022 10.37S Build 134 update:Fix for GW1000 Bridge data, windspeed not going over 57mph
6th February 2022 10.37S Build 134 update:Fix for memory leak with new support for ecowitt api 
4th February 2022 10.37S Build 134 update:Fix for daily rain ecowitt api
3rd February 2022 10.37S Build 134 update:Added ability to not use threads (setup, advanced/misc)
28th Janurary 2022 10.37S Build 134 update:Added support for Ecowitt.net API real time data (via your created API keys), e.g for remote access. Will add support for history data next.Update: added history data at start up
11th Janurary 2022 10.37S Build 134 update:Zip update: added custom data addition Patreon weatherwizz
5th Janurary 2022 10.37S Build 134 update:Fix for solar wm/2 not going higher than 1000 for GW1000 Ecowitt station.
7th December 2021 10.37S Build 134 update:Fix for rain sound on first data for some weather station types
4th December 2021 10.37S Build 134 update:Added Patron option for weatherwizz sending of extra sensor data
16th November 2021 10.37S Build 134 update:Fix for CO2 for GW1000 station.
14th November 2021 10.37S Build 134 update:Fix for extra temp sensors for GW1000 (api specs were wrong). Fix for detailed rain chart after using threading
8th November 2021 10.37S Build 133 update:Zip update: fix for NOAA Clmate hi/lo data after NOAA changed the way you get the data
29th October 2021 10.37S Build 133 update:Performance speed increase through the use of threads.Wunderground Webcam FTP upload removed (as that is now discontinued)
18th October 2021 10.37S Build 132 update:Some routines added to separate threads.
14th October 2021 10.37S Build 131 update:Added a more parameters to the weatherwizz. Removed Wunderground web cam FTP upload as that is not supported by wunderground anymore.
28th September 2021 10.37S Build 131 update:New Twitter Authentication for first time setup.
12th September 2021 10.37S Build 130 update:New cronweatherflow.exe version to improve the web socket connection. Improvement to Italian language.
9th September 2021 10.37S Build 130 update: Fix for rain from a Ecowitt GW1000/1100
30th August 2021 10.37S Build 130 .Added new SQL local dabase feature (using the WD logfiles)
14th August 2021 10.37S Build 129 Update.Added support for WeatherWizz web site template API. Improvements to the wdwebcamcapture program (especially for IP camera)
7th August 2021 10.37S Build 129 Update.Improvements to the Ecowitt GW1000 support.
17th July 2021 10.37S Build 128 Update.Small change to work with latest image salsa version.
6th July 2021 10.37S Build 128 Update.Added option to not auto size custom images for main screen customisation (so you can resize them)
20th June 2021 10.37S Build 128 Update. Fix for lightning image not uploading. Improvement for GW1000 data.
8th June 2021 10.37S Build 128 Update. Fix for lightning time sent to meteotemplate (caused a not a valid date error). Fix for rain days under view , rain chart.
5th June 2021 10.37S Build 128 Update. Another fix for the detailed rain chart (2nd tab)
29th May 2021 10.37S Build 127 Update. Updated some of the cron programs in the .zip update to the most recent versions of those (which were available in the full install)
25th May 2021 10.37S Build 127 Update. Added one click auto correct month rain totals from the logfiles (view, Rain chart)
9th May 2021 10.37S Build 126 Update. Another fix for yesterday rain for when set to use console rain totals.
7th May 2021 10.37S Build 126 Update. Fix for auto scale graphs on custom screen not updating.
29th April 2021 10.37S Build 126 Update. Fix (should be!) for month rain total stored at change of month for when you have set to use console rain total and for yesterday rain issue
28th April 2021 10.37S Build 125 Update. Added manual humidity offset mapping table function.
22nd April 2021 10.37S Build 125 Update. Fix for animated http download. Fix for cronwdmqtt loosing connection.
31st March 2021 10.37S Build 125 Update. Fixes and improvements for the options to use weatherflow sensor data with another station type
30th March 2021 10.37S Build 125 Update. Added new feature: "When was last time" . See under view panel. Added option to use weatherlow humidity with a davis station (at this stage).
27th March 2021 10.37S Build 125 Update. Fix for websocket data not working in cronweatherflow, which meant cloud based rain option was not working (bug occured with an update to the compiler)
21st March 2021 10.37S Build 125 Update. Fix for weekly wind run being lost on restart. Added ability to use temperature from Davis Air for extra temp.
23rd February 2021 10.37S Build 124 Update. Another fix for Aus 9am reset time re sometimes data not showing under view, av/ext
20th February 2021 10.37S Build 124 Update. Fix or WU Alamanac not working on Windows 7. Fix for animatedhttpfile.gif updating.
18th February 2021 10.37S Build 124 Update. Fixed an issue with the month rain reset for Aus 9am reset for change from January to Feb (on 9am 31 jan)
11th February 2021 10.37S Build 123 Update. Fixed an  issue with the rain for meteomap, Issue with campbell scientific .csv past data read improved (missed rain)
3rd February 2021  10.37S Build 123 Update. Fixed an  issue with the graphs being too wide for the advanced graphs if you had made those screen  wider.Fixed an issue with the new wdwebcamcapture.exe program. 
Fixed an issue with PM 1.0 air quality for Davis sensor when over 100 reading
28th Janurary 2021  10.37S Build 123 Update.Have added a minimum lightning strike distance custom tag.Removed WDL now that flash in dead :(
10th Janurary 2021  10.37S Build 123 Update. Fix for GPS type weather station data after update to new compiler
5th Janurary 2021  10.37S Build 123 Update. Added support for the Ecowitt 5 in 1 air quality sensor (PM 10 and CO2 ). A couple of screen cosmetic fixes. Happy new year everyone :)
30th December 2020  10.37S Build 123 Update. New version of the ftpupd.exe (note: new update to fix a bug wth the first release of that)
24th December 2020  10.37S Build 123 Update. New compiler in use. Fix for animated gif (due to issue with updated compiler).
12th December 2020  10.37S Build 121 Update. New compiler in use. Fix for rain from Davis WLL is 0.2mm rain gauge in use. Fix for barometer graph on restart when meteobridge/hub in use. New wdwebcamcapture.exe program
6th December 2020  10.37S Build 120 Update. Fix for rain from meteohub/meteobridge after changing to use separate cron program.
2nd December 2020 10.37S Build 120 Update. Fix for in some cases weatherflow/tempest not getting temperature/hum data from remote station
22nd November 2020 10.37S Build 120 Update. Added more climate data custom tags and a couple of fixes for those. Got the LED sign support working again.
18th November 2020 10.37S Build 120 Update:Meteohub/Meteobridge update: data now gathered via separate cron program.  Added more climate data custom tags.
15th November 2020 10.37S Build 120 Update:Fix for cronawekas.exe that sometimes had a problem. Fix for indoor temp/hum showing for weatherflow when should not
26th October 2020 10.37S Build 120 Update:Fix for extra sensor temp/hum client mode.Added where the passive mode for the real time ftp can be set separate
18th October 2020 10.37S Build 120 Update:Improvements for Davis Air Quality sensor support. Fix for cloudheight image
24th September 2020 10.37S Build 120 Update:Fix for memory info under about menu when memory above 4Gb
16th September 2020 10.37S Build 119  Update:Added auto detect for Davis WLL
7th September 2020 10.37S Build 119  Update:Added support for new Davis air quality sensor. Fix for yesterday rain issue when using Davis console rain totals
27th August 2020 10.37S Build 118  Update: Fix for lightning count for weather flow /tempest station main screen
20th August 2020 10.37S Build 118  Update: Fix for doubling of lightning counts (last 5 minutes data etc)
19th August 2020 10.37S Build 117  Update: Fix for problem with false rain when Bloomsky camera enabled
17th August 2020 10.37S Build 116  Update: Fix for ecowitt lightning distance and counts 5 minutes and rain rate 
14th August 2020 10.37S Build 115  Update: Improved support for lightning detector via ecowiit and other improvements to GW1000. New WDMYSQL version (to support latest MYSQL versions). New real time ftp version
(will get restarted if stalls now)
8th July 2020 10.37S Build 114 .zip Update: Added support for lightning detector via ambientweather.net
7th July 2020 10.37S Build 114 .zip Update: Added check for differences in rain totals WLL devide<-> cloud
7th July 2020 10.37S Build 113 .zip Update: Fix for lightning strike distance ecowitt GW1000
30th June 2020 10.37S Build 113 .zip Update: Fix for PM2.5 data via new crongw1000 re ecowitt stations
29th June 2020 10.37S Build 113 .zip Update: Fix for windspeed from Bloomsky when using as station data
10th June 2020 10.37S Build 113 .zip Update: Fix for ligthning counts not working weatherflow Tempest
7th June 2020 10.37S Build 113 .zip Update: Added support for the Ecowitt GW1000 lightning sensor
20th May 2020 10.37S Build 113 Update: Fix for meteomap API uploads
15th May 2020 10.37S Build 112 Update: Fix for change in ambient api for year rain if set to use station rain totals
14th May 2020 10.37S Build 112 Update: Davis .wlk import much faster now.
4th May 2020 10.37S Build 112 Update: Fix for rain from GW1000 after firmware update
27th April 2020 10.37S Build 112 Update: Added reception % and storm rain data when using Davis WLL (the reception data comes from weatherlink.com so make sure you have the api key setup)
21st April 2020 10.37S Build 112 Update: Fixes for Aus 9am rain reset issues (7 day rain chart and month rain data reset)
16th April 2020 10.37S Build 111 Update: Now uses the new Wunderground API (key needed) for the Wunderground history download (csv download) as the original method was discontinued by WU
Other minor issues over the last while fixed or improved. Stay safe everyone Covid19!
Update: Users who use wunderground stationless WU API mode WD now catches up on missed data since it was last running from WU data
21st March 2020 10.37S Build 111 Update: Added support for Weatherflow Tempest station
4th March 2020 10.37S Build 111 Update: Fix for rain rate from Davis WLL. Fixes a lock up problem a small nuumber of users reported.Improvements to Davis WLL History data.
6th February 2020 10.37S Build 108 Update: Fixes and improvements to Davis WLL bridge. Fix for Aus 9am year rain reset.
24th January 2020 10.37S Build 108 Update: Wunderground stopped original data access method so now have to use WU API and Key for the weather map data: Get that and enter that in the weather map setup.
19th January 2020 10.37S Build 108 Update: Added option to use humidity to 1 decimal place from Davis WLL bridge
16th January 202010.37S Build 107 Update: Fix for if using comma for decimal place for numbers in  windows regional settings that affected Davis weather link live
15th January 2020 10.37S Build 107 Update: Fixed a bug for gust last hour time AM
11th January 2019 10.37S Build 106 Update: Fixed a bug where some of the main screen custom tags were not showing on start up (and fixed an issue of colours of those)
9th January 2020 10.37S Build 105 Update: Fix for 7 day rain chart for change in month 
13th December 2019 10.37S Build 104 Update: Fix error in clientrawextra.txt that occurs when any rain last 7 days data is missing.Added extra day to 5 day forecast.
8th November 2019 10.37S Build 103 Update: Fix for Aus 9am reset for 1st and last day of month in reports
2nd November 2019 10.37S Build 103 Update: Fix for aqi.gif. Fix for openweathermap data.
1st November 2019 10.37S Build 103 Update: Fix for GW1000 temperature below 0c
31st October 2019 10.37S Build 102 Update: Improvements to support for Ecowitt station extra sensors
17th October 2019 10.37S Build 102 Update: Improvements to view, extra sensors page. Improvements to support for DAvis WLL and Ecowitt stations. Fix for last 7 days rain for Aus 9am
17th September 2019 10.37S Build 101 Update: Added LED ON or OFF to Publishing setups in control panel. Fix for windspeed from WU API.
8th September 2019 10.37S Build 100 Update: Fix for humidity from WU API (after a change made by WU)
23rd August 2019 10.37S Build 100 Update: Added initial support for the Ecowitt GW1000 hub.
19th August 2019 10.37S Build 100 Update: Fix for data stopping from Davis weatherlink.com if internet connection is lost. WU API as data source now has 1 decimal place temperature.
10th August 2019 10.37S Build 99 Update: Fix for max gust last hour time when that is occuring between midnigth and 1am when use am/pm in use. Fix for Netatmo rain 
28th June 2019 10.37S Build 99 update : Fix for Aus 9am rain reset time for change of month rain totals
23rd June 2019 10.37S Build 98 update : Fix for clientrawextra.txt 
20 June 2019 10.37S Build 98 update : Fix for lightning counts from Weather Flow station
7th June 2019 10.37S Build 98 update : Fix for rain being 10x too high from Davis WLL
6th June 2019 10.37S Build 97 update : Change for handling new Davis WLL 0> wind direction N ignored now if zero windspeed
5th June 2019 10.37S Build 97 update : Fix for history data from WF (as the WF servers made a change
3rd June 2019 10.37S Build 96 update : Fix for rain from Davis WLL.
29th May 2019 10.37S Build 96 : Improvements to MQTT. Fix or windspeed from VWS data.csv
18th May 2019 10.37S Build 96 Fix for bug with last 7 days rain after month change
17th May 2019 10.37S Build 95 Update:Added support for the new Davis Weather Link Live. Added ability to enter your own Pushover api token
3rd May 2019 10.37S Build 95 Update:Fixed bug where if using weatherlink.com, history data does not work with the new vers 2.0 of weatherlink.com (caused daily rain to reset)
28th April 2019 10.37S Build 95 Update:Fixed bug for max gust data to windy.com if also sending to WOW
18th April 2019 10.37S Build 94 Update:Fixed bug with sending wind direction to windy.com
16th April 2019 10.37S Build 94 Update:Added support to send to windy.com
13th April 2019 10.37S Build 94 Update:Fixed bug with openweathermap support.More options added for the MQTT support.Improvement to the handing of weatherflow data.
9th April 2019 10.37S Build 93 Update: Added support for openweathermap. Added MQTT support.
5th March 2019 10.37S Build 93 Update: Fix for date on rain last 7 days if using USA date format. Fix for wrong icon for wunderground forecast under view,wunderground almanac (now using the new api)
2nd March 2019 10.37S Build 92 Update: View, Wunderground station data now uses the new WU API as does the almanac (record hi/lo data not available with the new api (and the old api will get turned of by wunderground on the 22nd March). You can manaully set the record mac/min.
27th February 2019 10.37S Build 92 Update: Added support for the new WU API (e.g for getting your station data from Wunderground)
24th February 2019 10.37S Build 91 Update: Added support for windguru. Weather34 template availble to all
20th February 2019 10.37S Build 91 Update: Fix for data spikes for weatherhawk station. Added ability to show grid lines for alignment for main screen customisation
13th February 2019 10.37S Build 90 Update: Fix for rain record rate from ambientweather.net
5th February 2019 10.37S Build 90 Update: Updated cronmetardownload.exe program due to change to https needed
4th February 2019 10.37S Build 90 Update: Bug fix for year rain total reset for when Aus 9am reset time in use. Fix for speciic metar rain condition.
29th January 2019 10.37S Build 90 Update: Bug fix for the detailed climate report difference from average overall (only january was affected). Added extra temp/hum sensors for WMR89
18th January 2019 10.37S Build 88 Update: Fix for added sun and moon azimuth and altitude.Fix for bloomsky rain/wind
16th January 2019 10.37S Build 87 Update: Fix for next lunar eclipse (now correct time zone). Added sun and moon azimuth and altitude.
14th January 2019 10.37S Build 87 Update: Fix for next lunar eclipse. Fix for  overlay font #8 for 3rd paerty web cam image.
7th January 2019 10.37S Build 86 Update: Bug fix for UV data from weatherlink.com . Bug fix for release com port for x minutes. Some other minor bug fixes. Fix for wind direction from WH4000 station
11th December 2018 10.37S Build 85 Update: Improvements re when inches of rain used in last 7 days rain screen
7th December 2018 10.37S Build 84 Update: Fix for dailydatalog.txt not uploading for some setups. Fix for data output for weather34 template
25th Novemember 2018 10.37S Build 84 Update: New cronmetardownload version to handle https
13th Novemember 2018 10.37S Build 84 Update: Fix Purple air sensor for high PM2.5 readings. Av/ext report screen resizes now.
5th Novemember 2018 10.37S Build 83 Update: Fix for end of month previous month rain total pronlem. Fix for yesterday hi/lo data missing (bug introduced in last version)
1st Novemember 2018 10.37S Build 82 Update:  if you use a forecast that is ALL CAPS (5 day forecast) then WD now makes that normal Upper/lower case.Also the letter C has been removed from the airport metar temp in celsius custom tag so that you can add your own degree symbol
16th Octoberr 2018 10.37S Build 82 update: Added support for Luftdaten air quality sensor. Removed ability to show flash movie on main screen as that is not supported anymore in the latest window server version.
8th Octoberr 2018 10.37S Build 81 update: Bug fixes for weatherflow station support.Bug fix for change in month av/ext reports last month rain total in certain setups.
5th September 2018 10.37S Build 81 update: Bug fixes for view, wind temp rain trend data
1st September 2018 10.37S Build 81 update: Faster history data processing (Davis, weatherflow, ambientweather.net so far). Added option to turn off anti alias for the graphs (see in the graph setup , extra options)
23rd August 2018 10.37S Build 80 update: Fixes Purple air sensor data for when 2 decimal place in the data. Added ability to set colour for individual custom tags on the main screen.
21st August 2018 10.37S Build 79 update: Fixed the double screen flash on start up. Fixed the ftp starting 2nd time after setting to upload now in the customise internet and file creation setup.
15th August 2018 10.37S Build 79 update: Improvements for ambientweather.net support
10th August 2018 10.37S Build 78 update: Fix for new resize feature if you had customised the main screen. Fix for rain after history data ambientweather.net
7th August 2018 10.37S Build 77 update: new resize feature
31st July 2018 10.37S Build 75 update: Added support for ambientweather.net (i.e ambient Wifi pro type stations)
23rd July 2018 10.37S Build 75 update: Fix for Australian 9am reset time option (rain etc).Added support for a second purple air quality sensor
21st July 2018 10.37S Build 74 update: Fix for %windch% custom tag. Better Font for av/ext reports
19th July 2018 10.37S Build 74 update:Worked on the Aus 9am rain reset option problem. Some other minor fixes.
29th June 2018 10.37S Build 73 Full update:New ftpupd.exe version:fix for error with some FTPS servers (301: Timeout. error)
17th June 2018 10.37S Build 73 update:Fix for month and year not at end of data.csv file
8th June 2018 10.37S Build 72 update:Fix for Wifi Pro station when not using WU format
29th May 2018 10.37S Build 72 update:Fix for Purple air AQI going off scale on main screen graph. Added support for another air quality sensor.Improvement for French translation for daily hi/log
5th May 2018 10.37S Build 71 update:Fix for NetAtmo station
3rd May 2018 10.37S Build 70 update:Added support for WMR89 UV sensor
15th April 2018 10.37S Build 70 update:Fix for solar % not working or weather flow stations
13th April 2018 10.37S Build 70 update:Added ability to set which sensors to use with WeatherFlow station
4th April 2018 10.37S Build 69 update:Fix for wind direction plot dots
15th March 2018 10.37S Build 69 update:Fix for bug introduced with Davis IP data logger.Improvement for getting max gust data from Davis console.
9th March 2018 10.37S Build 68 update:Fix for getting console max gust for Davis IP data logger
5th March 2018 10.37S Build 67 update:Fix for rain for OS WMR89 and added support for history data .Menu font size now fixed , so better for high screen resolutions
26th February 2018 10.37S Build 67 .zip update:Fix for WH1081/3H081 temperature below -25.6C.Anenometer temperature as extra temp 8 for Irox station working again .Improvements to handling Wunderground API data as data source.
8th February 2018 10.37S Build 66 update:Added 4 more current conditions custom tags to main screen customisation
2nd February 2018 10.37S Build 65 update:Fix for cronmetardownload.exe not saving  .txt file correctly of the downloaded metar
1st February 2018 10.37S Build 65 update:.zip update:. Fix for WeatherFlow rain data.
26th January 2018 10.37S Build 64 update:.zip update:. Fix for WeatherFlow history data from SKY (wind and rain).Added uRADMonitor support.
25th January 2018 10.37S Build 63 update:.zip update:Added support for OS WMR-89 station. Fix for bloomsky rain data
15th January 2018 10.37S Build 63 update:.zip update:Added ability to set font size of graph scales
14th January 2018 10.37S Build 62 update:.zip update:Will now work with weatherlink.com 2.0 version. Fix for time in data.csv file
4th January 2018 10.37S Build 62 update:.zip update: Fix for after going to the misc setup and the next time you started WD the dallas1wirereader.exe would run
30th December 2017 10.37S Build 62 update:.zip update, added support to get history data from weatherlink.com (if that is in use as the data source) (only available up to the previous hour)
19th December 2017 10.37S Build 62 update:Fix for some weather warning emails not triggering correctly. Better and easier support for the Lazer snow sensor.
15th December 2017 10.37S Build 61 update:Added back wunderground FTP web cam uploads
26th November 2017 10.37S Build 61 update:Fixed rain issue with Hamweather/Weather for you updates
23rd November 2017 10.37S Build 60 update:Removed Homeweather Template API support at authors request
20th November 2017 10.37S Build 60 update:Changed the way some cron programs are launched after the latest windows 10 update
17th November 2017 10.37S Build 60 update.WeatherFlow reader now uses UDP data (i.e data straight from HUB) (This was working originally)
16th November 2017 10.37S Build 60 update.Removed WU web cam upload (as WU is stopping support for this)
14th November 2017 10.37S Build 60 update.Added support for 280 twitter length
1st November 2017 10.37S Build 59 update.Improvements for WeatherFlow support.Added support for Homeweather station template via direct API
28th October 2017 10.37S Build 59 update.For MeteoBridge, WD can now use your wunderground data to catch up on missed data since it was last running.
25th October 2017 10.37S Build 59 update.Fix for Av/ext/Noaa reports not updating (you will need to convert log to data file), after change made in build 58 and fix for problem with serial data
23rd October 2017 10.37S Build 58 update.Fix for rain last minute in the logfile
20th October 2017 10.37S Build 58 update.Added ability to set to use data colour (instead of label colour) for individual custom tags in the current conditions.Added freezing level custom tag.
18th October 2017 10.37S Build 58 update.Added support for history data for Weather Flow stations
9th October 2017 10.37S Build 58 update.Improvement for station type Heathkit ID50 . Improvement for handling USB data flow problems from WMR100/200 type station.
29th September 2017 10.37S Build 57 update.Added more PurpleAir custom tags.
26th September 2017 10.37S Build 57 update.Added support to get data from rainwise.net direct for Rainwise IP100 data logger.Added option to send data to PWS every minute
18th September 2017 10.37S Build 57 update. Fix for %trend% custom tag. Improvements for the purple air quality sensor support. Added support for BL Sunshine Recorder. Added Davis ISS low battery alarm/email warning.
9th September 2017 10.37S Build 57 update. Fix for WOW rain last hour data.Fix for daily web cam images link on month report.Fix for driest month custom tags.More data added for purpleair air quality sensor.
5th September 2017 10.37S Build 56 update. Fix for where sometimes the rain chart (via view panel) has the graph over the top of the other data
30th August 2017 10.37S Build 56 update. Fix for ET from WeatherHawk station. Fix for when using temperature from Metar for Davis station.Fix for an issue with dailyhighlowbaroetc.gif
20th August 2017 10.37S Build 56 update. Initial support for the purple air air quality sensor. Update to clientrawrealtimeftp.exe for problem with SFTP and logout/restart
11th August 2017 10.37S Build 56. New wmr300decode version now uses CRC error checking. Fix for next full moon
3rd August 2017 10.37S Build 55. New wdtwitternew.exe which will send a line break now if #13 is found. New function in WD, if you set to use an icon under input daily weather, then that icon will change to the equivalent icon at night time auto. 
14th July 2017 10.37S Build 55 update:Added export function to meteotemplate setup.
12th July 2017 10.37S Build 54 update:Fix for start up error in prior update.Fix for WMR200 forecast icon.Fix for setting WXNOW.TXT directory output location. Fix for html code in email warning custom option.Fix for adding thunder days to climate report
1st July 2017 10.37S Build 53 update:Added value at cursor for View, Rain Chart
24th June 2017 10.37S Build 53 update:Fix for uploading past wunderground data.Fix for FWI pointer under view, FWI not using the new Australian thresholds. Fix for VP windspeed offset <0
20th June 2017 10.37S Build 53 update:Fix for rain rate for Meteotemplate not dropping to zero after rain stops
11th June 2017 10.37S Build 53 update:Fix for auto scale graphs (problem occured after fix in build 52). Some improvements to dailywebcam.gif and dailywebcam2.gif . Fix for no data restart after 10 minutes option for Davis IP 
10th June 2017 10.37S Build 52 update:Fix for sun rise/set moon rise/set tide Hi/lo coming and going on graph 
7th June 2017 10.37S Build 51 update:Fix for meteotemplate rain rate.Fix for weatherflow lightning counts
1st June 2017 10.37S Build 50 update:Minor bug fixes. Added support for UDP data direct from weatherflow hub
16th May 2017 10.37S Build 49 update:Fix for 5 day forecast individual icon images not updating after added support for new api
12th May 2017 10.37S Build 48 update:Support added for websocket connection for the WeatherFlow station. Support added for T type wind direction messages from NMEA weather stations (e.g Airmar)
3rd May 2017 10.37S Build 47 update:Added new wunderground station data (see under view)
24th April 2017 10.37S Build 47 update:Added option to use new NWS API Point Forecast 
23rd April 2017 10.37S Build 46 update:Fix for extra sensor real time graph, more sensors.Fix for some issues with the summary image.
18th April 2017 10.37S Build 46 update:Fix for Maximum WeatherMax weather station not working. Couple more fixes for Heathkit station
14th April 2017 10.37S Build 45 update:Added support back for the Boltwood cloud sensor
3rd April 2017 10.37S Build 45 update:Improvement for data flow from WMR100/200 for when the data stops.Fix for snow from 1 wire lazer sensor
23rd  March 2017 10.37S Build 44 update:Fix for barometer graph spike when using wunderground api on start up and fix for using own wunderground api not being kept on start up. Fix for day of rain being 1 day behind  in detailed rain report for Aus 9am reset time
20th  March 2017 10.37S Build 44 update:Fix for selected voice driver for weather speech being lost on restart
14th  March 2017 10.37S Build 44 update:Improved support for Meteotemplate API for faster than 1 minute update rate data. Fix for Heathkit station support
13th  March 2017 10.37S Build 43 update:Added support for Meteotemplate API
6th  March 2017 10.37S Build 42 update:Fix for individual dial images were the needle pointer did not match the number value. Fix for extra sensor real time graph, more sensor data not showing actual data values.Fix for %raintodateyearagotoday%
4th  March 2017 10.37S Build 42 update:Fix for rain from weatherlink.com
23rd February 2017 10.37S Build 42 update:A few fixes for the auto scale graphs
20th February 2017 10.37S Build 42 update:Anything weather data now sent via a separate cronanythingweather.exe
8th February 2017 10.37S Build 42 update:Fix for new format for NOAA 5 day forecast. Added option to show max solar curve data above graph data. Added battery voltage to Bloomsky data screen.Added 10 min av wind direction to end of clientraw.txt
3rd February 2017 10.37S Build 41 update:Fixed a couple of issues with the auto scale graphs
25th January 2017 10.37S Build 41 update:Supports the Bloomsky Storm data now. Added ability to create a movie from your bloomsky camera with one setting
13th January 2017 10.37S Build 41 update:Fixed last new moon date. Fix for indoor temp and rain for new WIFI option for WS1001 WII Pro station
9th January 2017 10.37S Build 40 update:Added ability to work with the Ambient WIFI Pro station via WIFI. Fix for weekly weather report.New data format for Anything weather
3rd January 2017 10.37S Build 39 update:Fix for sometimes the previous month rain total is incorrect after the end of the month. Rainwise data logger now works with the CC-3000 logger now (to set time/logging interval, etc)
30th December 2016 10.37S Build 38 update:Added option to use Bloomsky station as your WD station type
27th December 2016 10.37S Build 37 update:Fix for %weatherreport% not having solar info. Fix for icons not working in control panel after a while on some users setups
27th December 2016 10.37S Build 37 update:Added support for the Bloomsky station. Fixed the extra sensor real time graph not auto updating the graph data.
26th December 2016 10.37S Build 36 update:Fix for .wlk Davis import
19th December 2016 10.37S Build 36 update:Fix for %changeinday% custom tag. Full install update has new Ftpupd.exe to fix an issue when sending to anything weather causing a problem with the remote directory on the FTP upload to your web site. 
New wdwebcamcapture.exe version.Fix for texas weather intruments station for temperature less than 0F
14th December 2016 10.37S Build 35 update:Fix for needing to restart WD after changing fog threshold settings
12th December 2016 10.37S Build 34 update:Fix for WU missed data
11th December 2016 10.37S Build 33 update:Fix for WU gust, re updated WDrapidfire.exe
9th December 2016 10.37S Build 33 update:Fixed/improved variable conflict issues
5th December 2016 10.37S Build 33 update:Improvement for snow and sleep icon via thresholds
1st December 2016 10.37S Build 32 update:Important fix for wrong file path in build 31
27th November 2016 10.37S Build 30 update:  fix for for upload of rainbar3d.gif
25th November 2016 10.37S Build 30 update:  fix for ELV WS9000 type station not working. Fix for solar from server in client version using multicast (use this version as the server version and have set to use solar data in client version). 
Fix for just use dir only in the Metar download settings (for using metar data)
17th November 2016 10.37S Build 29 update: Update: fix for time on graphs not showing (was a bug in the latest compiler version)
16th November 2016 10.37S Build 29 update: Fix for auto detecting day light saving (problem was permissions in later windows versions)
4th November 2016 10.37S Build 27 update: Fix for 5 day forecast gif's. Fix for weather dials transparent option.
2nd November 2016 10.37S Build 27 Added direct USB connection support to Ambient WIFI station
30th October 2016 10.37S Build 26 Update:Fix to use correct Awekas server
21st October 2016 10.37S Build 25 Update:Fix for forecasticon.gif if set to show temperature and new version of wdwatch.exe and fix for 5dayforecast if not setup. Fix for when using styles.
20th October 2016 10.37S Build 24 Update:Fix for when setting labels colour on Large display affecting the gauges on restart
15th October 2016 10.37S Build 23 Update:Improvement for Ultimeter owners using complete record mode. Fix for humidity slope settings in offsets not sticking
13th October 2016 10.37S Build 23 Update:Fix for Nexstorm data to WDL
10th October 2016 10.37S Build 23 Update:Fix for a couple of custom tags
22nd September 2016 10.37S Build 23 Update:Fix for Rainwise IP re windspeed/solar. Fix for sending Acurite data to the new myacurite server.
8th September 2016 10.37S Build 21 Update:Fix for custom yowindow 
30th August 2016 10.37S Build 21 : Improvement/fix for Davis VP/Vue history extraction
26th August 2016 10.37S Build 20 : Change/fix to how the weather condtion icon/icon number is done for when use extra metar conditions and your station override settings are in use
18th August 2016 10.37S Build 19 Update: New versions of the FTP programs to fix a problem where the file rename was not occuring
15th August 2016 10.37S Build 19 Update: Cron jobs for templates now done via a separate cronhttpget.exe program
11th August 2016 10.37S Build 19 Fix for barometer graph line not updating
7th August 2016 10.37S Build 18 Fix for version 17 re bug re sun moon rise/set lat/long setting not being remembered on restart . New openmap to find your lat/long in the sun/moon setup
5th August 2016 10.37S Build 17 Update: New ftpupd.exe version to fix Anything Weather not updatin.Rain fix for Netatmo
4th August 2016 10.37S Build 17 Netatmo support working now
3rd August 2016 10.37S Build 16 Updates to PWS now done via a separate cron .exe
30th July 2016 10.37S Build 15 update: Added support for SSH FTP to the realtimeftp2.exe program.Added ability to set the php cron jobs for the Idesign template to the custom web page setup. 
28th July 2016 10.37S Build 15 update: Added support for NetAtmo station. Added ability to set extra text/custom tags for the xml warning eamil in a new wdxmlwarning.exe program
25th July 2016 10.37S Build 15 update: A couple of fixes to the latest FTP version and the latest wdxmlwarning program
21st July 2016 10.37S Build 15 update: Fixes to extra sensor/more sensors,  real time graph
15th July 2016 10.37S Build 15 update:Added direct IP connection support or the Ambient/Aercus WIFI Pro station
13th July 2016 10.37S Build 15 update:New versions of the Ftp programs avaiable to fully support SFTP and FTPS servers. Fix for wind direction for WH4000 type station
30th June 2016 10.37S Build 15 update:customclientraw.txt now in UTF8 format.
27th June 2016 10.37S Build 15 update:Added where you can set the rain thresholds in the rain description setup
20th June 2016 10.37S Build 14 update:New version of wdxmlwarning.exe, to use the new https requirement from NOAA. New version of moviemaker.exe that is faster and better mp4 output (compatible with mobile)
1st June 2016 10.37S Build 14 update:Fix for wind direction of all time gust and average not being saved/re loaded on program restart correctly
28th May 2016 10.37S Build 13 update:Fix for not current date put into mysql from history data at program start up. Fix for error/unexpected program behaviour,  after going to view , temp/wind/rain trend
25th May 2016 10.37S Build 12 update:Fix for Cannot assign a TPicture to a TBitmap error if set to create animate mesomap
25th May 2016 10.37S Build 11 update:New cronmetardownload version to use the new URL (old URL will stop working on 15th June)
21th May 2016 10.37S Build 11 update:Added support for WH4000 type station. 
12th May 2016 10.37S Build 10 update:Fix for Irox type station where the logfiles were not updating (and a couple of other issues including data logger). Fix for Davis WMII/Wizard data logger history
11th May 2016 10.37S Build 9 update:Fix for rain gauge non default setting for 1 wire rain
9th May 2016 10.37S Build 9 update:Fix for spikes in solar data from a WH3081 type station
1st May 2016 10.37S Build 9 update:Fix for missing last day in date stamped dailynoaareport.htm  .Fix for %dayswithrainyear%
22nd April 2016 10.37S Build 8 update:Fix for diff from average temperature info in detailed climate report not working after a recent build
19th April 2016 10.37S Build 8 update:New max solar calculation in use (results in a higher solar %)
18th April 2016 10.37S Build 6 update:Fix for a % in wrong place after parsing custom tags. Fix for a problem loading WH1081/WH3081 history data 
12th April 2016 10.37S Build 6 update:Speed increase for WH1081/3081 type station when processing data
11th April 2016 10.37S Build 5 update:Improvement for parsing custom tags and also a fix for missing days in reports auto created on 1st day of month
7th April 2016 10.37S Build 4 update:Update to the wdwarningemail.exe program to fix an error with a missing dll file
3rd April 2016 10.37S Build 3 update:Windows 10 title bar look now on by default. Fix for indoor temp/hum graph data not showing if set to use ata files from a location (read only mode)
1st April 2016 10.37S Build 2 update:Improved speed for processing custom tags
30th March 2016 10.37S Build 1 update:Fix for /Dry/Dry on web table around sunset/sunrise time. Fix for file security permissions
26th March 2016 10.37R Build 320 update:Picks up the time zone hour auto from window settings now.Fix for drop down menu setup screen (via webfiles/web page setup). Fix for indoor hum not showing for in client mode if set.
22nd March 2016 10.37R Build 320 update: Minor update to fix a bug with setting every hour for twitter send times.Fix for negative snow for snow 1 wire lazer
19th March 2016 10.37R Build 320 update:Fix for Meteobridge data not updating
16th March 2016 10.37R Build 320 update:Fix for animatedhttpfile.gif not having as many frames as set to be
11th March 2016 10.37R Build 320 update:New data file to record max/min instaneous data each minute for more accurate data for Noaa/reports.
Improvement to the WMR200 history data at start up (uses a separate wmr200history.exe file)
3rd March 2016 10.37R Build 319 update:Fix for bug with leap year and fix for diff from av for temperature for last day of month for months with less than 31 days missing in the detailed climate report.Fix for solar+UV meteohub data.Fix for when less than 10 minutes solar average for icon in use
Fix for WMR200 history data where the live data could not get a USB connection
29th February 2016 10.37R Build 318 update:Fix extra sensor real time graph , more sensor graph, for when F in use. Fix for max soil temp record date format for when USA date in use. Fix for showing solar %/UV on summary image
19th February 2016 10.37R Build 317 update:Fix for Davis extra soil temperature. Added new Min/Max temperature for each month of each year to view,av/ext
18th February 2016 10.37R Build 316 update:Fix for VP reception graphing (on solar/ET graph). Fix for use Davis console rain not being remembered setting
16th February 2016 10.37R Build 316 update:Fix for real time graphs
4th February 2016 10.37R Build 314 update:Fix for 10 second video 
28th January 2016 10.37R Build 314 update:Fix for rain from Skye station type
24th January 2016 10.37R Build 313 update:Fix for when using icon from metar and when there is lots of snow conditions description in the metar
17th January 2016 10.37R Build 311 update:Fix for sunshine hours in web av/ext report
16th January 2016 10.37R Build 310 update:Wunderground API as weather data source please update to this version
14th January 2016 10.37R Build 309 update:Fixes/improvements to the 'Caterlake' template setup.
13th January 2016 10.37R Build 309 update:Fix for animatedweb.gif . 
11th January 2016 10.37R Build 309 update:Fix for sunrise/set not working correclty after a bad compile in the latest update.Fix for Texas instruments Internet weather station.
10th January 2016 10.37R Build 308 update:Improvements to the WMR200 history data
9th January 2016 10.37R Build 308 update:Shows sun hours and hrs:min now under view, av/ext.Fix for Davis WMII station not working
8th January 2016 10.37R Build 308 update:Fix for snow icon/text showing stopped snowing when below -5c .
7th January 2016 10.37R Build 307 update:Fix for gizmowindrun.gif not being updated and uploaded.Added hyrdological rain total custom tag.Fix for WMR300decode.exe for temperature below -25.6C
5th January 2016 10.37R Build 307 update:Fix for wind dir plot being blank.
4th January 2016 10.37R Build 307:Fix for trendrainyear.gif at year end. Fix for showing webcam as icon at night not working. Bug fix for solar % and sunshine hours for campbell scientific station type and Skye station type. Rain rate now used from meteobridge data for that station type.
If using a temperature sensor in a jar as a solar sensor then you will need to reset that sensor number.Added a new easy to use automatic function to import past wunderground data (action, import logfiles..)
21st December 2015 10.37R Build 306:Update: Fix for Vaisala WXTX510/520 for when windspeed is in m/s from the station.
18th December 2015 10.37R Build 306:Update: Fix for max/min apparent temp not being set when low temperature. Fix for Skye station type.Fix for temp dial range
12th December 2015 10.37R Build 305:Update: Bug fix for recreate av ext under view, av/ext. Fix for Texas weather instruments Internet station type now working
10th December 2015 10.37R Build 304:Update: Bug fix for advanced graph extra temp 2
8th December 2015 10.37R Build 303:Update: Fix for acurite.exe not starting up when the acurite station type first selected. Fix for Irox station not ticked on restart.
7th December 2015 10.37R Build 303:Fix for when having set to upload av/ext files to different remote directory setting
20th November 2015 10.37R Build 302:Fix for introduced glitch with the graph.Fix for auto wind direction on graph shift for when alot of N winds (centering). Added ability to use Acurite VIS .csv file as data source
Introduced bug where no windspeed data was being added to the logfile from data logger history data
5th November 2015 10.37R Build 301:Fix for Push notifications. WH3081/1081 history data OK now (even for solar/uv)
4th November 2015 10.37R Build 300: Update Added direct com port support for Campbell Scientific station (no need to run logger net). 
3rd November 2015 10.37R Build 300: Update Fix rain spikes with Acurite station
1st November 2015 10.37R Build 300: Update Fix for WH3081 history data at start up (still to add solar+UV history data support). Fix for chill hours in av/ext. New wdtwitter version
28th October 2015 10.37R Build 299: Fix for WH3081 solar/uv data. Improvements for TED support.
24th October 2015 10.37R Build 298: Fix for wind run was showing kts instead of km under view, av/ext, if kts in use. Fix for time shown from at graph mouse position being 1 minute out
22nd October 2015 10.37R Build 297: Fix for Irox station not working on Windows 10 and also for the history data. New WDsendtetherdata.exe version 1.9 . Fix for The Energy Detective TED5000 type support
19th October 2015 10.37R Build 296 update.Fix for moon phase image on sunmoonimage.jpg not updating.
14th October 2015 10.37R Build 296 update.Added option to create PDF Noaa reports. Fix for Dutch Language in Av/ext reports
12th October 2015 10.37R Build 296 update.Fixed issue with view, WMR968 Battery status
11th October 2015 10.37R Build 296 update.Fixed some issues and made some improvements to the VWS .CSV import. Added ability to create the noaareportyearxxx.htm file
10th October 2015 10.37R Build 295 update.Fix for wind direction sent to Acurite server
8th October 2015 10.37R Build 295 update.Fix for Apparent solar temp sent to WDL (and now if THSW set to show in WD, that is sent to WDL )
7th October 2015 10.37R Build 295 update.Fix for saving sent to Wetter setup. Bug fix for setting up older Davis station types
28th September 2015 10.37R Build 294 update.Fix for La Crosse 3600 type station
16th September 2015 10.37R Build 294 update.Fix for Irox history data at start up
8th September 2015 10.37R Build 293 update.Fix for plotting text on graph via input daily weather (where the text is repeated vertically), Fix for %dayrnmidnightyest%
7th September 2015 10.37R Build 293 update. Added option to send Push Notification a nd Bulk SMS of weather warning to your mobile device
30th August 2015 10.37R Build 293 update. Support added for HobbyBoards 1 wire 8 channel relay. Fixed introduced bug for Irox download
28th August 2015 10.37R Build 293 update. Fix for when using web page search function. Fix for Davis altimeter CWOP data is set to release IP data logger
27th August 2015 10.37R Build 292 update. Fix for when using Davis IP data logger and set to release every minute
25th August 2015 10.37R Build 291 update. Fix a problem with custom screens where more one screen an have not set font/color for each tag
21st August 2015 10.37R Build 290 update. Fixes/improvements for weather dials screen.Fix for rain from data2.csv. Added option to send max gust last 10 minutes for wunderground real time
20th August 2015 10.37R Build 289 update. Fix for ET value being less after a restart
19th August 2015 10.37R Build 289 update. Fix for 10/30 second images options for all day video
18th August 2015 10.37R Build 288 update. Fix for cloudheight.gif not being updated.Fix for load bookmarks in view, web page.
13th August 2015 10.37R Build 287 update. Fix for bug with current month all time low humidity record
12th August 2015 10.37R Build 286 update. Fix for issue with 30 second time stamped web cam files.
2nd August 2015 10.37R Build 283 update. Fix for but introduced in build 282 re can not use the set button in the customise internet and file creation setup
1st August 2015 10.37R Build 282 update. Fix for not being able to access setup screens from control panel after a period of running time that some users had 
28th July 2015 10.37R Build 281 update. Fix for using solar in a jar from 1 wire extra temp sensor. Fix for bug with setting extra sensor from WMR918 to use as outdoor temp/hum . Fix for WMR100 extra sensor hi/lo not being set.
24th July 2015 10.37R Build 281 update. Fix for %snowdaysthisyear% custom tag
18th July 2015 10.37R Build 281 update. Fix for wunderground not being updated from history data at program start up
14th July 2015 10.37R Build 281. Fix for bug with am/pm times that was introduced in the last update
5th July 2015 10.37R Build 281. Fix for wunderground almanac if no solar data
27th June 2015 10.37R Build 280. Added support for Meteobridge
21st June 2015 10.37R Build 278.Fix error when clicking on OK under view, sun moon rise/set. Fix for solar and rain data for Wunderground API stationless data. Fix for Irox station type rain
20th June 2015 10.37R Build 277.Fix for weather dials for mph for values on weather dials and a fix for the wind direction average needle and a fix for forecasticonstation.gif not updating. Fix for WI API stationless data humidity rain data.Fix for forecasticonstation.gif not updating
14th June 2015 10.37R Build 276.Added under setup option to use different styles
10th June 2015 10.37R Build 274.Fix for windrun custom tags if used on main screen 
7th June 2015 10.37R Build 273.Fix for ET month.
30th May 2015 10.37R Build 272.Fix for when using high latitude option for sun moon times/set for around longest day 
29th May 2015 10.37R Build 271. Made some improvements to the code that handles the custom tags. Will make some more yet. Fixed when you check past year rain graph under view rain chart. Fixed when you change the date via the calendar in the sun moon setup
26th May 2015 10.37R Build 267. Made a change to the customise internet and file creation oveerride routine that should help for some people getting errors that result in problem openiing setup screens. Fix for tempdial.gif for if using metric. Fix for %VPet% custom tag
22nd May 2015 10.37R Build 266. Added month and year rain to weather bug data. Added dew point to croncloud.exe data. Fixed issue with conversion to leaf wetness or new Hobby Boards Leaf/Soil moisture 1 wire sensor
21st May 2015 10.37R Build 266. Added new rain totals setup screen (via action)...fixed that this setup screen was being opened via control panel, offset..instead of the normal offsets setup screen. Added month and year rain to weather bug data
17th May 2015 10.37R Build 264. Fix for windfinder. Fix for WU almanac auto updates. Fix for animated web cam on summary.gif option. Removed Facebook after breaking change made by them to not allow auto updates. Fix for NMEA data.Fix for Rainwise IP 100
10th May 2015 10.37R Build 262. The vast majority of the bugs have been ironed out and the new WD version is basicly out of beta now. Thanks to all who have tested and helped to iron out the bugs.
4th Jan 2015 10.37R Build 238: Been lots of work done since build 81 (due to a loss of code from a hard drive crash). New icons for control panel/view panel. More error trapping code. Some parts of the program now run faster. Updated compiler in use now. New tethered free mobile app added (WDlive)..se that up under setup...send tether data. The new re write is still in beta..some functions are not working or not working correctly yet.
13th Mar 2014 10.37R Build 81 full update: Fix for warning report emails for wth use Auth option
4th Mar 2014 10.37R Build 81 full update:Fix for on the hour uploads not occuring on day 1. Fix for weather report emails for wth use Auth option
4th Mar 2014 10.37R Build 80 full install update:Improvement for WMR300 data reader. Added a few more language settings to language.ini
14th Feb 2014 10.37R Build 80 full install update: Fix for double email report/warning for when using auth email (and not SSL)
10th Feb 2014 10.37R Build 80 .zip update :Added extra temp wetbulb frost protecting warning. Added decimal place for min windchill warning
2nd  Feb 2014 10.37R Build 80 .zip update :Change for all time record low temperature email warning threshold honours low temperature threshold in email warning setup (and same for max temp)
27  Janurary 2014 10.37R Build 80 .zip update :added 10 min av wind dir option to WU real time data. Fixed mph wind conversion error for checking against all time record windspeed when converting logfile to data file
22  Janurary 2014 10.37R Build 79 update : Fix for decimal place for editing snow totals if using inches
13  Janurary 2014 10.37R Build 79 update : Fix for sunrise/set icon being too large on summary.gif at sunrise/set
4  Janurary 2014 10.37R Build 79 Full update: Fix for Airmar (NMEA/GPS) station not decoding weather data
2  Janurary 2014 10.37R Build 79 Full update: added ability to set FTP port for 2nd server FTP
19  December 2013 10.37R Build 79 .zip update: added ability to edit past snow totals (under view, inputted snow)
19  December 2013 10.37R Build 79 update :Fix for rain not being recorded from WMR300 after change to separate data reader
18  December 2013 10.37R Build 79 update :More improvements for WMR300 : the program that requests the data now will not cause the screen to flash/take away keyboard focus or similar.Added support for Acu Rite Bridge program to weatherdata.csv file
17  December 2013 10.37R Build 79 update :More improvements for WMR300 : the separate data reader program now resets the registry entry, to keep the data fresh
14  December 2013 10.37R Build 79 :More improvements for WMR300 for the way it now uses the separate data reading program (which will now close when WD closes)
10  December 2013 10.37R Build 78 :Fix for Lock ups with WMR300 station
9  December 2013 10.37R Build 78 :Update:fix for WMR300 below -12.8C.Fix for imcomplete list of stations for state in wunderground av/records and a fix for normal max temperature for > showing
2  December 2013 10.37R Build 78 :Update:fix for Campbell scientific solar data from data file
25  November 2013 10.37R Build 78 :Update: added option to select which Face Book page to post too
15  November 2013 10.37R Build 78 :Fix for Davis soil moisture/leaf wetness/soil temperature plotting in the advanced graphs, extra sensor graphs plotting
12  November 2013 10.37R Build 77:New .zip update: added option to send facebook posts to a page within your FB account
7 November 2013 10.37R Build 77: Fix for wmr300 temperature below freezing
15 October 2013 10.37R Build 76: Fix for wmr300 temp/hum history import.Fix for %timeofdaygreeting% for early morning.Fix for raintoday.gif scale
12 October 2013 10.37R Build 76: Fix for weather warning emails not working after change to Ftp program (full install)
1 October 2013 10.37R Build 75  update:Fix for introduced bug with max/min hum for av/ext report
8 Septembert 2013 10.37R Build 74 .zip update:new,added ability to show extra sensor data as a scroller on main screen (using custom tags).. see in setup.advanced/misc..main window customise
7 Septembert 2013 10.37R Build 73 .zip update:new,added right mouse click to the report windows under view, averages/extreme -> copy to clipboard :)
3 Septembert 2013 10.37R Build 73 .zip update:new, added ability to data share via TCP/IP 
29 August 2013 10.37R Build 73 .zip update:new method for re creating last 31 days data file (now uses your logfiles...slower but better result in the end)
21 August 2013 10.37R Build 72 .zip update: bug fix for wetter data send (was only updating the data to send when you manualy sent )
21 August 2013 10.37R Build 71 .zip update: added ability to plot an extra temp sensor on main screen graph , without giving up indoor temp
19 August 2013 10.37R Build 71 .zip update: fix for gizmosolar.gif and gizmouv.gif   Fix for customclientraw.txt not updating if set to update custom client viewer in advanced/misc setup. Fix for right mouse click, 24 hour graph 24 hours ago
15 August 2013 10.37R Build 70 .zip update:new custom tag added: %weatherdescription%
10 August 2013 10.37R Build 70 update: improvement to the trends for last 24 hour trend
6 August 2013 10.37R Build 70 full update: updated clientrawrealtimeftp.exe program to fix a crash after the FTP component was updated
27 July 2013 10.37R Build 70 full update: updated ftp programs to fix bug with passive mode always enabled (even it not set (i.e active mode would not work)
26 July 2013 10.37R Build 69 .zip Update: Fix for corn growing degree days and %gddmonth%
10 July 2013 10.37R Build 69 Update: Fix for if doing wunderground web cam uploads. Added a temperature spike check to the WH1081/Fine offset stations
5 July 2013 10.37R Build 68.Fix for yesterday data in the reports being in correct after the fix for the last day in the reports in the latest builds
3 July 2013 10.37R Build 67.I accidently bracketed out some code that resets values for the re write of the code that deals with the last day of the month in the reports.
2 July 2013 10.37R Build 66.Did a re write of the code that deals with the last day of the month in the reports. I think I have nailed it this time
1 July 2013 10.37R Build 64.Fix for day 30 not showing for june noaa report (occured after a change made that was to fix a problem reported by 1 user)
28 June 2013.New WD mac version grouped uploads now working. New WD windows update build 64. Added support for wetter.com . possible fix for crash some are reporting if using custom tags
25 June 2013 10.37R Build 63.Fix for sometimes showing clear night for forecast icon during day time.Fix for dll error with moviemaker via new full install update
25 June 2013.New WD mac version adds direct support for the OS WMR300 (and WMR100/200 (needs testing)) and WH1081 and now Irox
18 June 201310.37R Build 62  Update: Fix for sometimes problems with last few data points after recreating last 31 days data
14 June 2013 New WD mac version: runs faster (i.e snappier) :)
14 June 2013 10.37R Build 62  Update:Fix for wmr100/200 not starting from last version of WD update
3 June 2013 10.37R Build 62  Update: Fix for create now last day video on new all day video setup (was using the start hour from the old setup instead of new setup)
30 May 2013 10.37R Build 62  Update: Fixed an issue with all day video uploads
20 May 2013 10.37R Build 62  Update: Fix for Davis VP rain icon to forecasticonstation.gif not always working
9 May 2013 10.37R Build 62  Update: Fix from recent build error for if using the speech setup 
2 May 2013 10.37R Build 60  Update: Issues with the gauges after new rounded corners resolved. Fixed bug with %changeinday% custom tag for 1st day of month after month with only 30 days
22 April 2013 10.37R Build 58  Update: rounded corners on main screen boxes (you can unset that in the misc setup, and change the border colour too). If you have done main screen customisation then you will likely need to reset the windspeed/direction dials position
22 April 2013 10.37R Build 57  Update: 1 wire solar now auto estimates max solar mv for time of year. Detailed rain chart fix:you now dont need to click on update to get the latest data loaded when you view that
15 April 2013 10.37R Build 56  Update:Added option to not use H264 mpg4 option to movie maker. New twitter version, as twitter changed oauth again.Fix for wind direction/spd  plot in advanced graphs. Snow detail graphs now limited to last 10 years (to avoid a memory error)
3 April 2013 10.37R Build 56  Update:Fix for GDD when that is 0 and oF in use
28  March 2013 10.37R Build 55  Update:Fix heatindex showing on graph for certain settings, when it should not. Fix for tensecondvideo upload every 10 minutes
26  March 2013 10.37R Build 54  Update: New moviemaker version now uses the bitrate setting, and updated WD version, that bit rate setting is now saved in the new all day video setup
22  March 2013 10.37R Build 54  Update: Fix for not starting with windows setting for W7/8
18 March 2013 10.37R Build 54  Update:Fix for setting remote directory for file #5 and above in the customise internet and file creation setup
8 March 2013 10.37R Build 53  Update:Fix for max gust time and resetting max gust last hour. Updated realtimefp2.exe to handle FTPS as well (latest full install update)
6 March 2013 10.37R Build 51  Update:You can now upload a selected image file (eg web cam image) to facebook or twitter
4 March 2013 10.37R Build 51  Update:new twitter program due to change for first time twitter users. Added ability to send updates straight to facebook instead of twitter. 1 wire mvolts solar now auto calculated during year
3 March 2013 10.37R Build 51  Update:Now works correctly with FTPS option for FTP
28  February 2013 10.37R Build 51  Update:Added option to show odometer on main screen, to the misc setup, wind section. Fix for using labjack solar
26  February 2013 10.37R Build 51  Update:Day length custom tags (today and yesterday) and changeinday custom tag now working correctly (and show seconds now too)
20  February 2013 10.37R Build 51  Update: Improvement for sunrise/set, moon rise/set, day length times
17  February 2013 10.37R Build 50  Update: Added more custom images setups to the main screen
13  February 2013 10.37R Build 50  Update: Added option to show video last hour or last ten minutes on main screen to the new all day video setup (for any type now). Tide graph now converted from bmp to gif at the time set to update via the customise internet and file creation setup
12  February 2013 10.37R Build 49  Update:Added estimated soil moisture deficit (uses ET and rain). Custom tag for this added. You can set starting value under view, sunshine hours/ET. Added option to show video last hour on main screen to all day video setup (.swf for now only)
12  February 2013 10.37R Build 48  Update:Added H.264 encoding to .mp4 movie maker videos , so will work on iphone via jwplayer, etc. Fix for%raintodatemonthago% being behind by 1 day
7  February 2013 10.37R Build 48  Update:Fix for bad data from davis .wlf import. Added label to new odometer on weather dials
5  February 2013 10.37R Build 47 .zip Update:Added custom overlay setup option to 2nd web cam in wdwebcamcapture program. Added option to upload customclientraw.txt for 2nd real time ftp (i.e to a different ftp server). Updated wmr100.exe program , better now for the WMR88 type station
3  February 2013 10.37R Build 47 Update:.Fix for first snow of season custom tag, this time
31  January 2013 10.37R Build 47 Update:.Fixes a bug introduced in build 46. More improvements to the first snow custom tags
31  January 2013 10.37R Build 46 Update:.zip update: fix for first and average snow start custom tags
28  January 2013 10.37R Build 46 Update:.Added option to use zambretti forecast instead of Station forest, for WDL icon and forecast string and for WD scrolling forecast string
23 January 2013 10.37R Build 46 Update:.zip update: fix for UV offset (actual amount) for VP/VP2/Vue. Fix for 1 wire snow adding season/month totals wrong way around. Fix for FWI for manual entry over 50 and for gauge on top of web graph. Added daily windrun odometer to weather dials screen
21  Dec 2012 10.37R Build 45 Update:.zip update: fix for moonrise showing am instead of pm when at noon for custom tag
10  Dec 2012 10.37R Build 45 Update: Fix for deparature from normal in detailed climate report not working for months with only 30 days
5  Dec 2012 10.37R Build 45 Update:.zip update:fix problem with partly cloudy from metar setting wrong icon number in clientraw
4  Dec 2012 10.37R Build 45 Update:.zip update: fix for 10/30 second time stamped web cam  file sequence problem
3  Dec 2012 10.37R Build 44 Update:Fix for %firstsnowseason% custom tag
3  Dec 2012 10.37R Build 44 Update:Changed the day 1 max/min record temperature reset instead of being -50 or +50 (C) to being the current temperature
30  Nov 2012 10.37R Build 43 Update:.zip update: added ability to set what current cost reading is saved to for extra temp for graph plotting. Added ability to create a searchandrescue.txt file every 6 hours
25  Nov 2012 10.37R Build 43 Update:.zip update: added support for Rainwise IP-100 data logger
23  Nov 2012 10.37R Build 43 Update:Added ability to have the custom log file updated every 1 second
12 Nov 2012 10.37R Build 43 Update:New update: snow history graph working as before this time. Rain from data2.csv working now
11 Nov 2012 10.37R Build 43 Update:Fix for a couple of graph lines and snow history graph stopped working in a recent update
2 Nov 2012 10.37R Build 42 Update:.zip update:added ability to import acu rite WeatherData.csv logfile
26  oct 2012 10.37R Build 42 Update:.zip update: fixed a problem with duplicate log file entries when importing cumulus logfile
23  oct 2012 10.37R Build 42 Update:.zip update: fix for the setting of the colours not working for some of the individual dial images
14  oct 2012 10.37R Build 42 Update:Full install update: Fix for start when windows starts option
8  oct 2012 10.37R Build 40 Update:Full install update: Fixed issue with FTP Noaa forecast download: would not download if a ftp upload was at the same time.
3  oct 2012 10.37R Build 40 Update: New wdxmlwarning.exe to fix the change NOAA made to the zones
30  Sep 2012 10.37R Build 39 Update: New clientrawrealtimeftp.exe and ftpupd.exe to fix crashing problem after introducing support for FTPS
28 Sep 2012 10.37R Build 38 Update: .zip Update: Fix for VP history data extraction window not closing when finished if the program is opened from the system tray. 
Fix for introduced bug re screen getting smaller from main screen web capture if had manualy set screen size .
19 Sep 2012 10.37R Build 37 Update: .zip Update: Fix for data alignment after heat/cool numbers in year noaa report (which now updates the web file when that is viewed). Fix for average soil temp custom tags
16 Sep 2012 10.37R Build 37 Update: .zip Update:Memory leak fixed. Added max/min temp last hour custom tags
12 Sep 2012 10.37R Build 37 Update: .zip Update:Another fix for heat index graph plot option
1st Sep 2012 10.37R Build 37 Update: .zip Update:Fix for noaayear report for max wind gust
22 August 2012 10.37R Build 37 Update: .zip Update:More speed increase for parsing custom tags. Should now work again with weather hawk serial (via packbus.dll)
20 August 2012 10.37R Build 36 Update: .zip Update:Fixed swap baro/wind scale option. Testtags updating should be faster too. Fix for %firstsnowseason% custom tag if snow start month not 1
4 August 2012 10.37R Build 36 Update: .zip Update:Fixes introdcued bug with last update where the graphs were not updating (no data loss though)
2 August 2012 10.37R Build 35 Update: .zip Update: Added option to create a date stamped custom logfile
26 July 2012 10.37R Build 35 Update: .zip Update: Added support for Aurora sky sensor
16 July 2012 10.37R Build 35 Update: .zip Update: Fix for heat index not showing on summary image and also showng wrong value over graph if certain graph lines set to plot
9 July 2012 10.37R Build 34 Update: .zip Update: Fix for heat index line showing on wind speed graph. Fix for number value on average windspeed dial on dial images for when mph selected being gust speed value instead
26 june 2012 10.37R Build 32 Update: .zip Update: upgraded the gauges on the extra dails screen. Added ability to manualy set more weather conditions for wunderground data send. Updated the extra sensor page graphs
22 june 2012 10.37R Build 32 Update: .zip Update: heat index will plot as THSW if set to plot UV index and not THSW
20 june 2012 10.37R Build 31 Update: .zip Update:fix for extra temp label showing on baro/wind auto scale graph. %rainlastmin% now shows inches if that selected
12 june 2012 10.37R Build 31 Update: .zip Update:added civil (and naitical and astronomical) twlight times
12 june 2012 10.37R Build 30 Update: .zip Update: change to 2 minute wind direction average for CWOP data
7 june 2012 10.37R Build 30 Update: Update. Fix for day 30/31 showing in the view/av ext on the 1st day of the month
7 june 2012 10.37R Build 29 Update: Update. Fixed a problem where on some setups the com port connection has to be kicked into life by going to control panel, com port setup
2 june 2012 10.37R Build 29 Update: Update. new moviemaker, to fix problem with new year video option  only using the current day images
1 june 2012 10.37R Build 29 Update: .zip update: added year to date movie option (not retrospective). Added ET custom tags for detailed climate report
30 May 2012 10.37R Build 28 Update:.zip update: fix for tide offset (the settings were reversed...re check/re set the corret settings in the tide setup after updating). Fixed an error with the max solar for time of day calculation (should make it better for solar% estimation at the start/end of the day)
28 May 2012 10.37R Build 27 Update:.zip update: fix for %raincurrentweek%
25 May 2012 10.37R Build 27 Update:Minor bug re loss of plotting of current cost data after going to that setup screen. Added options to all time records screen to use 10 min av windspeed for max av windspeed and added option to set month for year to date records (see under misc). Fixed rain not being recorded for spark fun station
21 May 2012 10.37R Build 26 Update:Fix for forecasticonmetar.gif being wrong format. Also an improvement for when you click on the main screen icon re the summary image icon
18th May 2012 10.37R Build 26 Update:Fix for daily wind run in the av/ext report if kmh or m/s in use. Added daily wind run to the clientraw.txt (kmh, 9am or midnight reset)
15th May 2012 10.37R Build 25 Update:Added daily wind run to the av/ext report
13th May 2012 10.37R Build 24 Update:Fix for average soil temperature custom tags
10th May 2012 10.37R Build 24 Update:Added support for Spark Fun ISB weather station
8th May 2012 10.37R Build 24 Update:Fix for sometimes VP/Vue forecast being incorrect.Added support for new Hobbyboards 1 wire moisture sensor
3rd May 2012 10.37R Build 24 Update:Added yesterday FWI custom tags
16 April 2012 10.37R Build 23 Update:Now %timesec% has seconds added, instead of adding to %time%
14 April 2012 10.37R Build 23 Update:Fix for %FWIdesc% . Added visibility to end of clientrawextra.txt
2 April 2012 10.37R Build 23 Update:Small bug fix for moonrise/set time for 12 hour format option for custom tags
29th  March 2012 10.37R Build 23 Update:Fix for UV setting wunderground cloud conditions to overcast around dawn/dusk for stations using UV for solar
26th  March 2012 10.37R Build 23 Update:Improvement for Davis VP history data start up routine. Update to acu rite station, all working great.
20th  March 2012 10.37R Build 22 Update:I have fixed the problem with the history data extraction on start up from the 3600 type station when using the history.dat file as the data source
20th  March 2012 10.37R Build 21 Update:New acu rite data reader: working great, Indoor humidity is now working again along with indoor temperature
13th  March 2012 10.37R Build 20 Update:Fixed bug with custom log append fixed lines. Added new custom tag , %windRoseData% for radar plot.A few other minor improvements/fixes
6th  March 2012 10.37R Build 20 Update:New acu rite data reader: now gets indoor temperature from barometer data, so no more problems with getting it from the eprom data. Rain snow threshold now uses the snow icon threshold
4th  March 2012 10.37R Build 19 Update:Fix for all time records for month/year not being reset if WD was not running and weather station history data used to update the data.Fix for moviemaker every 30 second option
3rd  March 2012 10.37R Build 18 Update: Fixes long standing bug with the day showing as the last day of the month before when viewing the view, averages/extremes on the first day of the month (for that current month)
2nd  March 2012 10.37R Build 17 Update: There was a bug with the leap year for the Feb av/extreme creation. This update fixes that and also fixes the recreate of the averages/extreme data if doing that on day 1 (works OK on any other day)
26th February 2012 10.37R Build 16 Update: .zip update: Fix for graph correct of data when you scroll back 
25th February 2012 10.37R Build 16 Update: Indoor temperature works now with Rainwise CC3000 data logger. Also added 2nd battery custom tag for that
23rd February 2012 10.37R Build 16 Update: New acurite.exe data reader, thanks to Micheal Walsh. Using leaf wetness to set rain should work better now
20th February 2012 10.37R Build 15 Update: Fix for solar data only showing up to current day for other months in the detailed climate report
18th February 2012 10.37R Build 14 Update: Couple of fixes for moviemaker re start /end times and for the special one off movie creation
16th February 2012 10.37R Build 14 Update:Fix for %time% custom tag
15th February 2012 10.37R Build 13 Update:More improvements for acu -rite stations for data. New custom tags for max/min wind direction for last 10 minutes added
13th February 2012 10.37R Build 11 Update:Improvements for acu -rite stations. Fixed %time% custom tag for download history data
10th February 2012 10.37R Build 11 Update:Fix for soil data for graph history of advanced chart. Added some average soil temperature custom tags
New acurite data reader. Added support for lazer range finder for snow depth
8th February 2012 10.37R Build 11 Update:Bug fix for individual barometer dial and temperature dial for value if using USA units
7th February 2012 10.37R Build 11 Update:Change for Acu-Rite station data where checking of the reception data had lead to data flat lines
6th February 2012 10.37R Build 10 Update:Graph axis font size is now linked to the graph data font size. Fixed a problem with the Metar not showing
5th February 2012 10.37R Build 10 Update:Fixed the buttons not working in the new WDL in WD 
4th February 2012 10.37R Build 10 Update:WD now can be set to catch up on history data from the Acu-Rite station (every 12 minute data ): turn that on under control panel, data logger setup. Added ability to view Weather Display Live in WD itself (use wdlconfig.xml file from the clientraw location)
2nd February 2012 10.37R Build 09 Update:Indoor temperature/humidity working now for the acu rite weather station (updates every 12 minutes). Also fix for spurious data from acu rite station
1st February 2012 10.37R Build 09 Update:Fixed not sending data sometimes to acurite my back yard weather (for the acu rite stations). Improvement for rain days ths month custom tag
31st January 2012 10.37R Build 08 Update:Added ability to manualy set the wunderground record max/min. Fix for solar caption in summary image using large display font setting.New dallas1wirereader version
27th January 2012 10.37R Build 08 Update:Fixed a small windspeed calculation error with the acurite station. Added option to keep the degree symbol in the twitter setup
26th January 2012 10.37R Build 08 Update:Added option to convert the degree symbol and % symbol to html equivalent, in the twitter setup.
Fixed a bug with getting data from a Davis VP data logger over the change in year period.
24th January 2012 10.37R Build 08 Update:Now supports uploads to the acu-rite server mybackyard weather (see in the weather station type setup) for with a ac rite 5 in 1 station. Changed the date stamped file for the new movie maker to xxxxxdayvideo
19th January 2012 10.37R Build 07 Update:Minor bug fix for low baro month to date record alarm. CWOP solar should be formated correct now for when over 1000wm/2
14th January 2012 10.37R Build 07 Update:New wdmysql version to fix a problem when not all the data is selected to be sent. Catered for different model data in the acurite data stream
13th January 2012 10.37R Build 06 Update:improvements to the new all day video setup. Added support for the Acurite 01025 station. New wdxmlwarning.exe version to fix changes made by NOAA.Update: fix for solar data to CWOP. added ability to set snow sig cond threshold separatly in the detailed climate report
3rd January 2012 10.37R Build 05 Update:Some changes/improvements/fixes to the new all day video setup
2nd January 2012 10.37R Build 04 Update:Some changes/improvements to the new all day video setup if using every 10 second option
30th Decmber 10.37R Build 03 Update:Improved routine for setting max windspeed gauge scale if set to auto mode
25th Decmber 10.37R Build 03 Update:Fix for error with custom screen creation if set to use transparent gif option
13th Decmber 10.37R Build 03 Update:New all day video setup (much simpler). Fixed the graph scroll back button that disappeared 
12th Decmber 10.37R Build 02 Update:added 1 minute update to setup, yowindow setup,and added ability to enter visibility to the user daily input, so that is available as a custom tag for visibility custom tag
10th Decmber 10.37R Build 02 Update:Transparent gif images option working now again
7th Decmber 10.37R Build 01 Update:Fixed a problem with changing remote directory when using SFTP. Changed the web cam upload procedure: will not assume a gif file is wanted to be uploaded (unless you had set that to be uploaded, in the web cam upload setup). Fix for THSW in the clientraw.txt
6th Decmber 10.37R Build 01 Update:Added some more climate detail custom tags (number of days wind over..)
Added check for if the main month data file is not found,e.g new month, it is reset (this should be happening anyway but this is now an extra check), instead of using the month before (which then results in problems on the month change over)

2nd Decmber 10.37R Build 00 Update:added support for NSC (no significant clouds) in the metars
30th November 10.37R Build 00 Update:added support for a piezo home made rain sensor (flat plate system), using the volume from a microphone input (see under setup, advanced/misc rain..)
29th November 10.37R Build 00 Update:Added option to set the line length of the custom logfile. Added option to use DSR signal lines for RG11 rain gauge
29th November 10.37R Build 00 Update:Added option to send an alternative Twitter data (i.e alternates)
26th November 10.37Q Build 89 Update:Problem with animatedhttpfile.gif fixed (where it shows the WD icon top left corner in the last frame of the animation). VP forecast text added to the Multicast TCP clientraw feed data. Fix for %max1minuteavwind%  . Fix for plotting soil temp instead of indoor temp...graph data value at mouse cursor
24th November 10.37Q Build 89 Update:Added ability to set the font size for the time on the graphs
22nd November 10.37Q Build 89 Update:Fix for meteohub data download bug introduced in the last build.Added option to create av/ext/noaa reports in english always (to use with scripts). Fix for thumbnail image creation and upload option
20th November 10.37Q Build 88 Update: Improvements for 2310 history data using histlog2300. Fix for meteohub download if had set to also have the data download on for a Davis station. Improvements for the non tipping rain gauge support
15th November 10.37Q Build 88 Update: Fixed a problem with setting th efog thresholds (where they did not take correctly until a restart of the program)
3rd November 10.37Q Build 87 Update: Changed the way custom tags for max/min/av for month to date are calculated, fixes a problem with the start of the data drifting on heavily loaded PC's etc
3rd November 10.37Q Build 87 Update:Added a variable reset for the use forecast icon option ( to avoid that variable going stale).Fixed an issue with the view/correct data/logfile for showing minute 59 for the first hour..problem occured if the logfile was missing data, after a conversion from logfile to data file
2nd November  10.37Q Build 86 Update:Fixed a problem with the VP forecast scroller postion (e.g it would move right if the screen was made wider which would affect its customisation position on restart)
1st November  10.37Q Build 86 Update:Australian 9am reset for rain option should now display day 1 rain total correctly as actually being the rain total from the last day of the month prior. Added ability to customise and save that customisation of the signature banner
30th October  10.37Q Build 86 Update:Data history works now this time for the Rainwise CC-3000 data logger. Also fixed the average windspeed from the Rainwise download not working. Update: wunderground working again in the WD weathermap (after they made some changes...now WD uses the XML output), also fix for the zip back up not uploading the back up files to web site
28th October  10.37Q Build 85 Update:New version of the datazipbackup.exe, does not now need to use the zip32.dll, also the data zip back up will run daily auto by default
27th October  10.37Q Build 84 Update:Fixed a problem with the history data for the Rainwise CC-3000 data logger
25th October  10.37Q Build 84 Update:Barometer offset working again for Rainwise type stations, after adding support for the new CC-3000 data logger
23rd October  10.37Q Build 84 Update:Fix For %pressuretrendname% custom tag
20th October  10.37Q Build 84 Update:Fix setting for not setting the summary image icon from the solar data. Also added back the haze threshold settings to the new summary image setup. Added 1 minute WU web cam upload option
18th October  10.37Q Build 83 Update:Fix for rain for 1st day in the reports for if Aus 9am reset in use
16th October  10.37Q Build 83 Update:Bug fix for time stamped web cam files not being updated after sunset if every 30 second file option in use
and not set to show images at nighttime under view,webcam images from during the day (but do have set to create images at night time in the webcam time stamped files setup)
13th October  10.37Q Build 82 Update:Fix for speech file mp3 creation
12th October  10.37Q Build 81 Update:Fix for speech file creation if talk switch off
9th October  10.37Q Build 80 Update:Fixed a couple of settings not sticking in the units setup (for icons for summary image). Fixed the data quality not being green for the WS16 type station. Added average rain to the end of the clientrawdaily.txt (for the next version of WDL)
3rd October  10.37Q Build 80 Update:Fix for rain difference from average for detailed climate report for when report updates on change of month or for when viewing previous data
30th September  10.37Q Build 80 Update:Fix for rain from 2310 on start up (via histlog2300)
20th September  10.37Q Build 80 Update:Added support for Capricorn (Columbria weather systems) miroserver. Added support for the new Rainwise CC3000 data logger
16th September  10.37Q Build 78 Update:Added option to not upload the dailydatalog.txt file
15th September  10.37Q Build 78 Update:Fixed a bug with soil temperature hi/lo for day 31
14th September  10.37Q Build 78 Update:Bug fix for the clientraw.txt file after changing the logfile windspeed  to 1 decimal place
13th September  10.37Q Build 77 Update:Logfile windspeed now to 1 decimal place
12th September  10.37Q Build 76 Update:Fixes a bug with the max/min soil temp for oF units in the av/ext reports.Added ability to change the font on the title in the all time records.Max gust needle on the main screen dial is now longer.Added a one stop resetrecreate av/ext/noaa/climate data files under acton, convert WD logfiles to data files. Fixed a bug with the recreate of the daily graph files
5th September  10.37Q Build 75 Update:Fixes a bug with the logfile creation introduced in the last build 74 .zip update
4th September  10.37Q Build 74 Update:Fixes a bug with the history extraction when using the TCP/IP from VVP, bug was where the data would get out of sequence and repeat at times
4th September  10.37Q Build 74 Update:Fixes a bug with the daily hi/low temperature reset time being the pc time if the history data on start up went through the daily reset
3rd September  10.37Q Build 73 Update:Now finally working great for the 1 wire ultrasonic snow sensor
1st September  10.37Q Build 72 Update:Fixed a problem for Irox/WMr200 users for the daily max/min being reset at 3 minutes past the hour each hour. Daily max/min UV works with the WH30781 now
29th August  10.37Q Build 71 Update:Fixed a problem with load past wunderground data.Added option to wdmysql to login each time (for say when only every 10 minute updates). Fixed setting to show forecast icon on summary image
24th August  10.37Q Build 69 Update:Now works with the AAG WS603 weather station (via an updated dallas1wirereader). Weather speech now done via a separate .exe program
20th August  10.37Q Build 68 Update:New wdmysql.exe new version:very fast,very low cpu and memory use now.
Added right mouse click to the wind direction gauge on main screen, to be able to select 2 different wind dirction plots
18th August  10.37Q Build 68 Update: Fix for windfinder re rain data.
17th August  10.37Q Build 67 Update: Added new all time records: lowest maximum daily temperature and highest minumum daily temperature. Also added ability to create a one off special all day video (where you set the start/end hour and start/end minute)
12th August  10.37Q Build 66 Update: History data from a WH1081/WH3081 station working correctly now
12th August  10.37Q Build 65 Update: History data from a WH3081 station working better. 1 wire snow sensor totals should be OK Now. Added ability to easily correct daily rain totals, to the advanced rain screen. Fixed a problem with the custom advanced chart if saved customisation 
10th August  10.37Q Build 63 Update: Now gets solar and UV data from a WH3081 station
10th August  10.37Q Build 62 Update: Fixed a problem with the 1 wire snow data for month/season to date. Should also fix a crashing problem with the daily updates
5th August  10.37Q Build 61 Update: Fixed a problem with the webcam program not picking up the date and time format settings after changing to the memory buffered ini file. More work done on the 1 wire snow sensor. Also fixed an issue with the time/date stamped web cam image
4th August  10.37Q Build 60 Update: Added ability to plot moon rise/set on the graphs (see in the graph setup, misc setup). Fixed a problem with the VP soil mosti/soil temp auto scale graphs. Also this update fixes the dll error on start up
2nd August  10.37Q Build 60 Update: Fix for error with new corn growing degree days introduced in the year to date report generation
31st July  10.37Q Build 59 Update: More work done on the 1 wire snow depth routines. Fixed issues with the AAG barometer via the 1 wire reader
29th July  10.37Q Build 58 Update: Fixed a problem with the LED sign. Added more trend custom tags
28th July  10.37Q Build 58 Update: Fixed a problem with the advanced graph, trend graph
27th July  10.37Q Build 58 Update: Fix for rain reset time if 9am for rain reset but not for temperature reset, from history data. Changed heat index to only calculate above 80F (26.8C)
20th July  10.37Q Build 57 Update: Added UV from a cambell scientific station
19th July  10.37Q Build 57 Update: Added auto calculation of snow depth from a 1 wire snow sensor.Fixed a problem with the Davis VP data history for duplicated logfile entry at the starting position and for the time stamp sent to the mysql data base
14th July  10.37Q Build 57 Update: Added ability to add text to the graphs (see under input daily weather). Added ability to set a offset for local conditions for the FWI
14th July  10.37Q Build 57 Update: HeatIndex (or humidex) now works at cursor graph position
12th July  10.37Q Build 56 Update: Scheduled internet updates will now not occur around the time of the av/ext , noaa reports and detailed climate updates, to those prority. Fixed a problem with the advanced graphs, trend for 9am reset time. Fixed a problem with if set to only upate the data files every 10 minutes, in the setup, advanced/misc setup (having that setting in use lead to problems with the av/ext reports) (i.e now the data files will update every minute around the time of the av/ext reports). Fix for moviemaker icons being left in the system tray if set to create a video every 10 minutes. GPS and NMEA weather station data works again
11th July  10.37Q Build 55 Update: changed the way the 24 hour rain is calculated, so that any rain corrections to the data will flow through to that value
10th July  10.37Q Build 55 Fix for recreate av/ext for current month
6th July  10.37Q Build 54 Fixes dailyreport.htm ( I had set a test condition in the code but then forgot to unset it) 
5th July  10.37Q Build 53 added a weather station drop down selector to the station type to make it easier to find station settings, build 53. also fixed av/ext day 1 selection introduced problem
2nd July  10.37Q Build 52 Improvement/fix for solar threshold for conditions to wunderground (now uses the user set thresholds)
30th June  10.37Q Build 51  full install Update: fix for UTC time stamp for email header that affected email servers ahead of UTC on the 1st day of the month, new Ftpupd.exe program
29th June  10.37Q Build 51  .zip Update: fix for data loss on restart of WMR200 history extraction (data was still in the lofiles and converting the logfiles to data files would get the data back)
29th June  10.37Q Build 51 update: Done lots of testing for the av/ext reports and end of day/last day. Working OK in this version
27th June  10.37Q Build 48 update: Fix for June2011.htm av/ext web file (for the last day showning being incorrect)
26th June  10.37Q Build 47 update: Fix for wdwebcamcapture.exe image file size not being set from program settings.Currentcost history data now logged daily. Fixed problem with changeinday custom tag around this time of year and solarnoon custom tag
24th June  10.37Q Build 47 update: Fixed a problem with the run a program at set time (or when a email warning is sent)
19th June  10.37Q Build 47 update: Fix for Davis VP history extraction for 5 or 10 minutes or longer data logging interval
19th June  10.37Q Build 46 update: Update to moviemaker.exe , fix for timing out on slow pc's
18th June  10.37Q Build 46 update: Added windroseyear.gif. Fix for aagbaro.exe after the buffered ini file change
16th June  10.37Q Build 46 update: Update: fix for dallas1wirereader.exe.  Improvement for solar data for setting sky conditions for wunderground, now uses average solar  (instead of current solar) if that is used for setting the icon.
12th June  10.37Q Build 46 update: Fix for separate 1 wire viewer to work with the new buffered in file. Changed wunderground web cam uploads to not to upload during night time if set to upload day time only for the WD web cam FTP upload. Added more current cost history data (WD calculated kwh ) and custom tags to boot
11th June  10.37Q Build 45 update: Now uses memini file, should be alot less problems with conflicts with the wdisplay.ini settings file and virus scanners checking that file. Added ability to upload data to a reginal network via HTTP (i.e no web site/FTP needed)
3rd June  10.37Q Build 44 update: Added support for UK Met Office WOW uploads
2nd June  10.37Q Build 43 update: .zip update: Fix for aus 9am rain option for storing and displaying of that rain total after the 9am reset on the last day of the month
31st may  10.37Q Build 43 update: .zip update: Fix for heatindex value above graph on the minute update
25th may  10.37Q Build 43 update: .zip update: Fix for record broken description for mouse over main alarm LED
22nd may  10.37Q Build 43 update:Reduced the number of timers used (as that has been causing problems for some users)
13th may  10.37Q Build 42 update:Faster updating of custom tags. Fixed issue with font size on overlay of wdwebcamcapture.exe on restart
5th may  10.37Q Build 42 update:Fix for Aus 9am opion for month rain reset (now reset to 0 at 9am on the last day of the month)
4th may  10.37Q Build 42 update:Added max rain rate yesterday custom tags. Fixed last day rain not showing in detailed rain report for 9am use
26th April  10.37Q Build 42 update:Update to the wdxmlwarning.exe program
24th April  10.37Q Build 42 update:Fix for tide times on graph (set the colour of the wording in the colour setup, graph colour setup)
14th April  10.37Q Build 41 update:Fix for Davis VP download for when logger is full and the full data logger is downloaded (first few data were current)
12th April  10.37Q Build 41 update:Fix for lightning 2000 nowcast.txt file import
11th April  10.37Q Build 41 update:Fix for 1 wire and Irox extra temperature sensors
8th April  10.37Q Build 41 update:Fix for viewing last day of month with 31 days under graph history
8th April  10.37Q Build 40 update:Fix for heatindex wrong between 18 and 20C in the logfile and av/ext data: New update: fix for individual dial images background image and transparent gif
7th April  10.37Q Build 39 update: Added some more currentcost options. Fixed problem with 1 wire extra temperature readings stopping Irox extra temperature readings. Fixed a couple of colour issues with the 
weather dials screen
1st April  10.37Q Build 39 update: Fix for rain reset at 9am for change of month being reset to 0 at midnight, bug introduced when was fixing a bug with the Australian midnight reset on the 1st day (reset the correct month rain total after restarting)
Update: new dallas1wirereader.exe vers 3.2, checks for if HUB switch toggle success or not
21st March  10.37Q Build 38 update: Fix for Davis VP/Vue monthly and yearly rain total not increasing, from build 37
20th March  10.37Q Build 37 update: Another update to the wdxmlwarning.exe program , works good now. More improvements to the moviemaker.exe (especially if .flv or .swf in use)
19th March  10.37Q Build 37 update: New wdxmlwarning.exe program , after NOAA/NWS made changes . Fix for movie maker uploads if no other FTP uploads in use
10th March  10.37Q Build 35 .zip update:Fix for extra temp 3 after added support more current cost data
9th March  10.37Q Build 34 .zip update:Fix for wunderground history update from missed data from station with the new cronwdwu.exe. Improved the temp wind trend 3D graph (days along the bottom)
5th March  10.37Q Build 34 .zip update:Fix for weekly email report not working if set to use weekly custom tags. Fixed the ticker colour being overriden by the font colour
5th March  10.37Q Build 34 .zip update:Fix/improvements for current cost support 
3rd March  10.37Q Build 34 .zip update:Fix for WXT510/520 for temperatures less than -10C
2nd March  10.37Q Build 34 update:Fix for day 28 not showing for Feb under view, av/ext, for 9am reset, when that day is selected 
25th Feb  10.37Q Build 34 update:Fix for 'savedgraph.gif' from the Graph History. WU now updated by a a separate .exe (cronwdwu.exe), saves the larger and more cpu intensive Ftpupd.exe from running. WU almanac works again (now uses the classic WU web site)
Fix for, send this instead, Twitter option, but that was introduced.Fixes use 10 min av wind speed misc setting in the wind/dir setup in the universal setup not being set .Added ability to set background colour of dials on dials screen
15th Feb  10.37Q Build 33 update:Fix for FWI daily values in the monthly av/ext report (not a retrospective fix though). Fix for iroxdata.exe keep on getting spawned if no USB connection to Irox station
14th Feb  10.37Q Build 32 update:Fix for leap year not showing day 29 for when viewing past Feb data for detailed climate report. Full install update fixes Ftp icons not clearing from system tray
9th Feb  10.37Q Build 32 update:Fix for testtags.php not uploading via the upload times default method if set in the webfiles/web page setup.Works again now with the weather hawk IP station
8th Feb  10.37Q Build 32 update:Improvements for the start up procedure for 2310/2315 type stations
7th Feb  10.37Q Build 31 update:Fixes .wav files not being played for the alarms and weatherhawk IP not being read in (problem occured with the new compiler)
6th Feb  10.37Q Build 31 update:Fixed bug with temperature difference from average in the detailed climate report not showing for the last day of the month
5th Feb  10.37Q Build 30 update:Fix for detailed snow charts not updating after adding in current snow depth. Looks to have fixed the flat line problem with the WMR200 station introduced in build 09
4th Feb  10.37Q Build 29 update:Fix for WU almanac records  hi lo after wunderground changed their web site
3rd Feb  10.37Q Build 28 update:Fixed a bug with the max solar and max UV in the dailydatalog.txt. Fix for Dallas 1 wire version 1 Barometer/humidity not showing  on graph
30th Jan  10.37Q Build 28 update:Added ability to change the background colour of dials on the main screen
29th Jan  10.37Q Build 28 update:Added option to log current snow depth in the xxxxlg2.txt logfile (instead of high soil temperature (you can edit past logfiles), and that is now plotted as well as total snow for the day
28th Jan  10.37Q Build 28 update:Fixed a problem with the barometer for the separate dallas1wirereader.exe flat lining in WD
25th Jan  10.37Q Build 28 update:Fixed a problem with some labels showing on the 24/48/72 hour graphs after going to graph history. Fixed a problem with the recreate last 31 days data for the month change period
21st Jan  10.37Q Build 27 update:Fixed some problems (depended on settings) with the new separate dallas 1 wire reader (rain and power counter and snow sensor was not working)
20th Jan  10.37Q Build 25 update: Memory leak fixed from build 10 or later
20th Jan  10.37Q Build 24 update: Fixed problem on history finish with Irox data (clock does not update). Now has separate dallas1wirereader.exe program for 1 wire functions
so that removes the overhead of 1 wire routines from WD (beta)
There is a memory leak I am trying to find introduced around build 10
Fix for when extra temp sensor lost communication in wmr200 history download. Updated wr100.exe
16th Jan  10.37Q Build 22 update: Fixes a probem if a custom image is used that is a .gif but not an animated gif (causes an invalid type cast)
Now need to set that its an animated gif, in the misc/advanced setup
16th Jan  10.37Q Build 21 update: Fix for 24 hour time format not working. Fix for Irox history data extraction (after working on the WMR200 history data)
14th Jan  10.37Q Build 20 update: Fix for VWS .csv log import dont responding
13th Jan  10.37Q Build 19 update: More WMR200 history extraction improvements. Fix for animated gif as custom image on main screen or custom screen after new compiler update
Fix for av/ext not updating after change for dailnoaareports uploads. Updated clientrawrealtimeftp.exe : works now with SFTP
10th Jan  10.37Q Build 14 update: WMR200 history extraction working great now
7th Jan  10.37Q Build 12 update:Added extra hum 1 to 3 offset
2nd Jan 2011 10.37Q Build 11 update:Pool temperature sensor now works with wmr100.Added rain since midnight (even if 9am reset in use) custom tags
29th Dec 10.37Q Build 11 update:Fix for moonrise/set custom tag for am/pm for around 12 hour time
28th Dec 10.37Q Build 10 update:Fix for all day video update at 10:33pm occuring when not set to.
26th Dec 10.37Q Build 10 update:Added setup screen for "Carter Lake Template" (mywebpagetemplate.txt) to more easily edit the main parts of that web page 
Full install update: new wmr100.exe version to fix problem with wmr100 data connection introduced when improving routine for wmr200
25th Dec 10.37Q Build 09 update:Fixed reportsubjectweek.txt not being created from customsubjectweek.txt. Fixed some html code in web page
24th Dec 10.37Q Build 09 update:More WMR200 history changes/improvements. Added ability to just change the colour of the dials numbers on the weather dials
21st Dec 10.37Q Build 08 update:Separate THSW graph label added.updated the wmr100/200 program and more improvements for the WMR200 data history. Fixed client mode clientraw.txt data over internet not working
20th Dec 10.37Q Build 07 update:updated the wmr100/200 program to still update the data if the windspeed unit is not sending data and improved the history data routine.
Fixed no indoor temperature graph line on web graphs showing if that is set to not
Added option to not show sunrise/set on the graph. Added ability to set the font of the scolling forecast. 
12th Dec 10.37Q Build 06 update:Fixed a created bug with video, if creating every 10 minute video then the all day video was not created
12th Dec 10.37Q Build 06 update:Fixed a bug with the history data for a 2310/2315 type station from the histlog2300 program (problem was due to the new compiler and how it handles strings and text files)
12th Dec 10.37Q Build 05 update:Fixed a bug with the year to date detailed climate report not working if the languge.ini file contain new language for the averages/extremes Temperarure and windspeed names (
[averages extreme]
average temperature=
11th Dec 10.37Q Build 04 update:New moviemaker.exe version: Deletes the tend second time stamped video files for the ten second movie correctly now
10th Dec 10.37Q Build 04 update:Fix for VP data extraction if using VVP
9th Dec 10.37Q Build 03 update:Snow rain total in ini file is also reset to 0 when the daily rain is set to 0 now
7th Dec 10.37Q Build 03 update:Fix rain this day year ago for 9am reset. Added detailsolar2.gf. Max solar and UV for detailed climate report has --- if no data now
Added ability to set the colour of the BFT number under the speed dial
5th Dec 10.37Q Build 03 update:Fix for min temp email if threshold less than 0C
3rd Dec 10.37Q Build 03 update:Fix for title on advanced graphs for year to date trends
30th Nov 10.37Q Build 02 update: Added option to plot rain thick or thin line
29th Nov 10.37Q Build 02 update: Added back using heated rain gauge setting to Universal setup re snow/sleet setting.Fix for selected icon under input daily weather being over riden by icon from solar 
24th Nov 10.37Q Build 02 update: Improvements for advanced graph solar graph. You can now set the colour of the THSW plot, and fixed a problem with the label for that plot (if windchill also plotting)
18th Nov 10.37Q Build 02 update: Fix for temppanelindoor.gif not uploading if using customise internet and file creation setup. Now ignores Davis windspeed if over 250mph (i.e sensor lost). A few other minor improvements
15th Nov 10.37Q Build 02 update: Fix for time scale for last month graph if set to show AM/PM in the graph setup for the time scale
Update: Uploaded a corrected version number and fix for advanced graphs, solar graph, after saving customisation
10th Nov 10.37Q Build 01 update: Fixed a couple of setting not working in the new units setup screen 
3rd Nov 10.37Q Build 01 Udpate: Better scroller now in use (for VP /forecast scroll on the main screen)
1st Nov 10.37Q Build 01 Udpate: Fix for temperature chart in advanced charts for selected month or last 31 day chart (Legend was not correct and max/min data points where not being reset)
Original compiler version compiled wdwebcamcapture vers 9.7 in the install files now. Mesomap in WD now renamed WeatherMap
27th Oct 10.37Q Build 00   update:Added back option to upload each metar image.Fixed history.dat file read in at start up not reading in all the data .Fixed daily low grass not being saved

16th Oct 10.37Q Build 00   update:Fixed a rare bug that caused a CPU hit when THSW set to be plotted and the sunrise minute and sunset minute were both 0 at the same time
15th Oct 10.37P Build 99   update:Bug fix for av/ext and noaa report data not updating if a custom logfile is in use. After upgrading to this version, then go, action convert WD logfiles to data files and click on convert to get the month data file updated 
13th Oct 10.37P Build 97   update:Fixed problem with rain chart (averge or current rain missing) in the advanced charts after saving customisation, and on next opening of the advanced charts
12th Oct 10.37P Build 96   update:change to make the averages/extremes report stay in memory to help with those reports and the noaa reports not updating for some setups (does mean a bit more memory use)
10th Oct 10.37P Build 95  .zip update:Aligment of the graphs in the advanced graphs now OK for small screen size
10th Oct 10.37P Build 95  update:Fix for plotting past years data on the rain chart in the advanced charts (I was fixing another problem with that graph and introduced this problem)
9th Oct 10.37P Build 94  update:Fix for if plotting THSW on windspeed graph and also ploting maximum solar on temperature graph. Fix for day 0 for maximum temperature for all time record for month after a restart of WD (this will need to be reset)
8th Oct 10.37P Build 93 .zip update:Customisation is now loaded much better on the advanced charts (fix was to load the saved custom files just prior to the graph redraw but after default customisation had been done)
(first click on save customisation to remove the actual chart data that was saved, if you have previously saved the customisation, with this update)
8th Oct 10.37P Build 91 .zip update:Fix for advanced charts problem with resizing and setup areas not resizing correclty
7th Oct 10.37P Build 90 .zip update: Fixed introduced bug (occured when updating code) that caused the all time records for the current month to be corrupted when converting logfile to data file and have ticked, convert all. Added back the pie chart to the percentdir.gif (now using the 3D pie chart (original was not compatible with the new compiler)
Fix for 3rd part webcam text overlay not being transparent (problem occured with the new compiler upgrade)
6th Oct 10.37P Build 89 .zip update: Improvement for custom graph in the advanced graphs: you can now set the number of data points to plot from the custom logfile and you can now set the graph title, and I have removed the legend. Also
fixed the png option for the advanced graphs not looking very good after the compiler upgrade
5th Oct 10.37P Build 88 .zip update: Fix for snowdaysthisyear custom tag when the snow season is set to be other than month 1 .Fix for dallassnowvolts custom tag not using the 1 minute rolling average data value
2nd Oct 10.37P Build 88 .zip update: Fix for Hi/Lo temperature for month in the ini file being overwritten at the start of the month.Change to the all time records variable in code to stop them getting corrupted.
1st  Oct 10.37P Build 87 .zip  update: Auto daily Davis VP set console time option working now
30th Sept 10.37P Build 87 .zip  update: Fixed problem with meteohub real time data not updating (problem was with a change in the way the compiler worked). Fixed bug with November rain last year in the rain detail.New webcam at cursor position track bar now works if the graph time set to 24 hour format
29th Sept 10.37P Build 87 .zip  update: Webcam at mouse cursor position now works from a trackbar instead (which means you can go back 24 hours).Fix for raindetail2.gif height and alltimerecords height

28th Sept 10.37P Build 87 .zip  update: Fix for windrose.gif not being updated via file #44 in the customise internet and file creation setup. Fixed 1 wire mv to solar % not working. Added ability to set background colour of fwipointer.gif
26th Sept 10.37P Build 87 full  update: Added past snow and sunshine table and graphs to view, sunhours and view, inputted snow. Fixed a problem with using a current cost (for energy data logging), causing data conflicts with the stations data
Fixed error with opening custom screen (I blame the compiler for that one, something got corrupted)
26th Sept 10.37P Build 86 full install update: new Ftpupd.exe version 9.10 to fix bug with metar download if ftp download option not in use. New .zip Update: added past average temperatures table and graph to view, av/ext and past snow totals to view, inputted snow
25th September 10.37P Build 86 update: Arrgh, this time fixed the introduced bug that was wiping out the all time record high temperature in the wdisplay.ini file (you might have to renter that (action, enter my own all time records).
Added ability to set the background colour from and colour to of the auto scale graphs
25th September 10.37P Build 85 .zip update: Finally found an array that was going out of range that was causing unrelated problems (e,g with all time records (they might have to be reset)), since the new compiler upgrade. Forecast text scroller replaced with one that works for font colour OK now
Fix for fetch2300 and fetch3600 not running introduced in build 83
24th September 10.37P Build 84 .zip update: Fixed minor things as reported on the Forum. Added new table and chart to the detailed rain chart for past rain data
Added signature banner setup to the new summary image and icon setup that was missing
23rd September 10.37P Build 84 .zip update: Fix for no Ftp updates bug introduced in build 83. Davis IP data logger works much better now for if set to disconnect every minute 

22nd September 10.37P Build 83 .zip update: Added memory used by WD custom tag. Fix for running .bat files (e.g for when using fetch3600)
21st September 10.37P Build 82 .zip update: Fix for advanced chart trends internet updates
20th September 10.37P Build 82 update: Fix for .wav files not being played (problem was a change in the way the new compiler handled wav files)
20th September 10.37P Build 81 update: Fix for wurapidfire closing on first time run (and same for other programs). Fix for max/av windspeed in noaa and climate data reports for last day of the month
19th September 10.37P Build 80 update: Fixes the date stamped graph file from the av/ext recreate. Solar gradient colour now works on web graphs. Seting on graph back ground gradient colour now works from the main colour setup. Hum scale now slightly right more
18th September 10.37P Build 78 new compiler full install new update: Fixes a couple of problems (e.g for Irox stations no data from the update Iroxdata.exe program)
13th September 10.37P Build 76 new compiler .zip update:More improvements to graphs. Aweakas direct now working with the new compiler version (and also Wedaal)
10th September 10.37P Build 72 new compiler .zip update:Time format on the graph now like original. Added ability to set the graph curslor line colour and sunset/rise colour line
8th September 10.37P Build 72 new compiler .zip update: Fixed an error with auto scale option in use. Daily logging of resetting values now shows in the WS2010/WS2500 setup in stead of view, program event log. New: sunset/rise now appears on the line on the graph
7th September 10.37P Build 71 new compiler .zip update: Improvement to the graph background gadient colour option, and you can now set the solar blocked gradient colours
6th September 10.37P Build 66 new compiler .zip update:Improvment for gust windspeed plotting. Improvements of some of the zero start on the scales.
4th September 10.37P Build 65 new compiler .zip update: Converted the web graphs to new graph type.Converted the graph history to the new graph type. Added option to have indoor temp scale as UV scale to the graph setup.
3rd September 10.37P Build 63 new compiler .zip update: Main screen graphs have been upgraded to new graphing component (will do web graphs next). Left click and hold to zoom in then right click to drag around that zoomed in data. Double click to undo zoom
NOte that scale are built into the graphs now, which makes easier when customising the screen
30th August 10.37P Build 62 new compiler .zip update: Rest of auto scale graphs converted to normal format and a few things fixed/improved. Double click on the graph to undoo zoom (click and hold to zoom).Added m/s to auto scale graphs
29th August 10.37P Build 61 New compiler .zip update: More improvements ,auto scale graphs upgraded (still more to do there yet), recommended upgrade 
27th August 10.37P Build 60 new compiler .zip update: Change a graphing component to a different one that has been causing problems with the new compiler
25th August 10.37P Build 58 new compiler .zip update:Should fix stack overflows/lock up's some users have been getting with the new compiler version. Added balloon hint latest data every minute option to tray icon customise setup
25th August 10.37P Build 56 new compiler .zip update: Fix for wedaal direct problem if am or pm in the max gust time
23rd August 10.37P Build 54 New compiler .zip update: Fixed a problem with the rain last 7 days that causes an access violation. Recommended upgrade.Fix for UV in client mode
22nd August 10.37P Build 53 new compiler .zip update: New flash looking main screen menu 
21st August 10.37P Build 52 new compiler .zip update: Now works with VVP IP for Davis VP data history extraction at start up (and for IP data logger)
20th August 10.37P Build 51 new compiler .zip update: Debugger removed now. View, averages/extremes loads faster now (as the data updated on the tab speed/direction now only gets updated when that page is selected)
19th August 10.37P Build 50 new compiler .zip update:Fixes indoor temp/hum from 1 wire if hub in use
Added main internet switch and main ftp server settings to the customise internet and file creation setup so more all in 1 place
(and added special file conversion local and remote files to the file #29 setup as well)
18th August 10.37P Build 49 new compiler .zip update: Added quick view (right mouse click ) to view panel for rain, averages/direction plot. Fixes VP reception data for when a IP data logger in use
14th August 10.37P Build 48 new compiler .zip update: Fixed Davis VP IP data extraction
12th August 10.37P Build 47: new compiler .zip update: Exit error problem found (com port disconnect). A routine that can cause exception errors has been identified and should be OK now
Added option to create .flv instead of .swf webcam movie files
8th August 10.37P Build 44 update: Fix for 48/72 hour graphs, bug (too many hour lines) introduced when scroll back/forward was fixed. Fix for freewx import.
4th August 10.37P Build 43 .zip update: Fix for thumbail images
30th July 10.37P Build 42 .zip update: Fix for avrain custom tag for current month.Fix for freewx import. Adjustment for WMR200 history
23rd July 10.37P Build 41 .zip update: Fixes the scroll back/forward on the main screen graph edges (now 6 hours at a time scroll back ( and then forward again))
22nd July 10.37P Build 40 update: Added "1 tick" testtags.php creation/upload
20th July 10.37P  Build 40 update: Fixes a start up error that could cause problems
16th July 10.37P Build 39 update: Fix for 30 second time stamped file creation at night time (if not set to be created at night time)
11th July 10.37P Build 39 .zip update:Added more data to the wedall data feed. Error on exit should be fixed now
7th July 10.37P Build 39 .zip update: Added support for Current Cost power monitor (see under setup, advanced/misc...plots on wind direction graph )
7th July 10.37P Build 38 .zip update: fix for introduced bug with rain last hour formating for CWOP data. Twitter email alerts now use oauth (if set up). Added windfinder.com support
2nd July 10.37P Build 38 .zip update: fix for UV not being sent for a wmr200 when wunderground rapid fire in use
29th June 10.37P Build 38.Some Minor bug fixes and improvements. Added FWI for each day of the month to the av/ext reports (for first time create of this data will use the last 24 data that was available only)
23rd June 10.37P Build 37 update: Fix for max temp on reports for last day of month (introduced problem a few versions ago)
17th June 10.37P Build 37 .zip update: Added Twitter oauth support (you need to allow the new twitter to update, in the twitter setup (one time)
Fixed the 10 minute av windspeed option on the main screen dial showing in the needle movement when the speed updates.Fixed problem with extra temp offset setup #4 affecting 5, 6 and 7. Irox rain set to 0.703mm per tip now
11th June 10.37P Build 36 update: New wdwebcamcapture.exe , fix for if not wanting to have shadow shown
10th June 10.37P Buld 36 .zip update: new iroxdata.exe program to fix missed rain amounts with the Irox station. 
30th May 10.37P Build 36 update: Fixes bug with error message on start up about invalid date introduced in build  35. Fix for hours of overnight frost
27th May 10.37P Build 35 .zip update: Fix for extra spaces in the clientraw.txt if set to use max gust since last sample for graphs in the real time ftp setup. Fix for 5dayforecast tags only updating after a restart. Fix for wunderground almanac hi/lo records not updating
24th May 10.37P Build 35 .zip update: Fix for the controls for the new trend chart in the advanced charts
22nd May 10.37P Build 34 update: Fix for dailynoaareport.html not uploading if hour to do av/ext is not default of 0 or 9
21st May 10.37P Build 34 .zip update: Added storm rain total custom tag for any station type
18th May 10.37P Build 34 Update: Fixed bug with clientraw.txt have night time shown 2x, problem occurs when switch not in the solar setup. Fixed a problem with Dry not appearing at night time for the weather conditions
17th May 10.37 Build 33 update: Frost warning now only sent once a day. Added new trend chart to advanced charts
15th May 10.37 Build 32 update: New wdwebcamcapture.exe, to fix the overlay using old inputted settings on restart (which then needs fixing on restart each time)
12th May 10.37P Build 32 update: Added average snow tags
9th May 10.37P Build 31 update: Fix for extra temp number to plot instead of indoor temperature not being remembered on restart if set to use that
8th May 10.37P Build 31 update: Fog sig condition for detailed climate report now only shows if windspeed and temperature below icon thresholds
2nd May 10.37P Build 31 update: Added month and year and solar and UV data to PWS (Hamweather) data updates. Fix for General FTP setup, send files ticked to 2nd server, #2/#3 setup. Changed the resolution of the rain and baro to only 2 dec. places on the dials page for rain and barometer if not metric
20th April 10.37P Build 30 .zip update: Fixed a bug with the max/min baro dials range when set and inches in use for units. Wmr200 history data routine set back to original method
15th April 10.37P Build 30: Fix for data not being logged for Irox stations introduced in build 29
9th April 10.37P Build 29 .zip update: Added chandler burning index to clientraw extra. A few improvements to WMR200/Irox . Checks if sun is shining before setting snow (in case its only snow melt)
1st April 10.37P Build 28 update: Added bigger UV offset range. More tweaks/improvements to WMR200 history data. Dailydatalog.txt should be OK now (delete to recreate)
29th March 10.37P Build 28 update: Fix for wmr200 history data getting out of sync and not working after rewrite of routine in build 27. Fixe for extra sensor graph on advanced graphs
27th March 10.37P Build 27 udate: Recommended upgrade for OS WMr200 users to fix problems with the history data and live data. Fix for advanced solar graph internet update
23rd March 10.37P Build 26 update: Improvements for OS WMR200.
22nd March 10.37P Build 26 update Fixed for new dailydatalog.txt for appended data.Improvement for graphing windchill if auto scale set
20th March 10.37P Build 25 .zip update: added new dailydatalog.txt file. Added new last 24 hour max 10 minute avg speed custom tag. Added option to upload new advanced graph extra sensor graph
15th March 10.37P Build 25 update: Fix for 1 wire solar % from raw compared to max resulting in steps in the solar graph
12th March 10.37P Update: New Ftpupd.exe version: fixes a blank line as the first line in a email if using secure email (bug was from an upgraded component used), with full install. .zip update fixes stopped raining showing when set to use snow melt threshold
11th March 10.37P Build 24 update: New exra sensor added to advanced graphs. Possible fix for flat line issue some VP users have had
10th March 10.37P Build 23 update: Added check for lost sensor data from a WH1081 type station (so now no data spikes when the sensors are lost contact). Fixed some problems with the TCP/IP data connection to a Vaisala Ultrasonic
6th March 10.37p Build 23 .zip update: Fixed a problem with flat line data from a Davis VP if set to force to update the barometer but ticked that are recent firmware update was set
1st March 10.37P Build 22 .zip update: Improvements for data spike detection from irox/wmr100/200 stations
24th Feb 10.37P Build 22: Now works for windspeed/direction with the AAG TAI603B 1 wire station
17th Feb 10.37P Build 21 update: Fix for rain at start up for when using currdat.lst data file source. Fix for THSW records tagsFix for WS500/550 station type not logging data introduced in build 20
16th Feb 10.37P Build 21 update: Added new 1 tick option to create "Carterlake" style web page, from template file, to the web files setup, to replace default web table
15th Feb 10.37P Build 21 .zip update: Fix for 0.2mm rain gauge setting not sticking in the Daivs weather station type setup. Added solar data to advanced graph and fixed bug with UV plot. New colour scheme for main screen for first time usrs (and this can be selected now too via setup, skins)
11th Feb 10.37P Build 21 update: new wdstartdelay program to fix WD starting 2x (if that is used)
10th Feb 10.37P Build 21 .zip update: Fix for lock up some people have been getting. FWI pointer changes.
6th Feb 10.37P Build 20 .zip update: Fix for wind direction not working correctly if BFT windspeed in use
6th Feb 10.37P Build 20 update: Fix for error introduced when the midnight not showing up in the next upload time (error occured when no times set in the upload times)
4th Feb 10.37P Build 19 .zip update: Fix for time of next update, midnight not showing. Updated moviemaker.exe version
2nd Feb 10.37P Build 19 .zip update: Fixes for new moviemaker.exe. Fix for a lock up problem some people were getting
31st January 10.37P Build 19 update: new wdmysql.exe and adddatamysql.exe, now adding past data files to the mysql data base (not custom one) works (for password = yes)
30th January 10.37P Build 19 :Fix for solar/UV dial glass effect on/off and colour of numbers. Fix for some users having lock up problems
27th January 10.37P Build 18 Fix for year to date av/ext report not working (bug affecting 1st month only)
20th January 10.37P Build 17 .zip update:Fix for numbers in on the inside wind direction dial on the main screen colour selection not working (for dials numbers colour)
18th January 10.37P Build 17 Fix for new pointers in fwigraph image. Added daily rain to yowindow.xml file
14th January 10.37P Build 16 .zip update: Added theme selection to the advanced graphs. Added yowindow.com PWS data upates. New Ftpupd.exe version to fix 2nd WU webcam uploads
13th January 10.37P Build 16 update: New wdwebcamcapture version, fixes i stealing keyboard focus when keep alive not in use
12th January 10.37P Build 16 .zip update: Fix for windspeed offset not being applied to Irox history data
9th January 2010 10.37P Build 16 .zip update: New moviemaker.exe , now much faster and less cpu use (windows media encoder not needed, and will now also work on vista/W7)
Fix for setting the colours of the individual dial images
26th December 10.37P Build 15 .zip update: changed the FWI pointer scale to the new AUS standards. Fix for universal icon setup, use this icon manual overide
18th December 10.37P Build 15 .zip update: Fixes the rain rate for custom tags/clientraw data if set to use Davis VP rain rate
17th December 10.37P Build 15 update: added new indoor temp change last hour. Added back start when windows starts
14th December 10.37P Build 15 Davis VP data extraction now works much faster and fixes the data sync problem (time of 655)
8th December 10.37P Build 14 .zip update: Improvement for the Davis .wlk import. Clientraw.txt current time format now uses WD's main screen time. Fix for graph extra temp 1 plot as indoor temp on main screen .Solar and Leaf wetness working with a Capricorn station. Fix for average rain on the rain chart on the new advanced charts
1st December 10.37P Build 14 .zip update: Fix for legend on detailed graph, weather data, when set to plot only 1 parameter.
28th November 10.37P Build 13: 1 wire routines should be all good now. Fixes if using the 1 wire UV sensor with a Davis station
26th November 10.37P Build 12 .zip update: Fix for wind direction in the clientrawdaily.txt
25th November 10.37P Build 12 .zip update: more imporvements/fixes for 1 wire routines and now checks to make sure the gust speed from the currdat.lst is higher than the average speed
23rd November 10.37P Build 10 Improvement for if using the currdat.lst data source, gust speed now used
22nd November 10.37P Build 9 .zip update: More fixes and improvements for whewn using the 1 wire hub (humidity sensors now work OK)
21st November 10.37P Build 9 .zip update: fix for temperature change in last hour warning emai for oF units
15th November 10.37P Build 9 .zip update: improvements to the 1 wire hub routine
13th November 10.37P Build 8 .zip update: Fixed sluggish problem in the 1 wire setup
10th November 10.37P Build 7 update: Added ability to set the fog icon from the dew point depression as well. Fixed a problem  with the formating of the expected hour of sunshine
9th November 10.37P Build 7: Some more minor tweaks and fixes for the new 3D gauges and their uses
8th November 10.37P Build 6: Fixes the new windspeed gauge text not showing the correct windspeed value.Added ability to turn off the glass effect on the new dials in the misc setup
8th November 10.37P Build 5: Improvements and fixes for the latest additions
6th November 10.37P Build 4: New 3D gauges now in use ! :) (you might have to re position them if you have custmised WD before).
2nd Novemener 10.37O Build 25: Fix for various problems that occured after adding the new advanced graphs (e.g the WXNOW.TXT date stamp not being correct)
, due to a variable used with the advanced graph code that was conflicting.
30th October 10.37O Build 24 update: Fix for introduced problem with the Davis history download at startup (should also fix some other issues with missed history at start up for other station types )
28th October 10.37O Build 23 .zip update: added averaging routine for hobbyboards UV to take out data spikes.
27th October 10.37O Build 23: Fix for aveage temperature in the view, av/ext, problem occured after the max/min dew point was added to the report
27th October 10.37O Build 22 update:added png option for advanced graph to web, and added time/date stamp. also fixed a few other things
25th October 10.37O Build 21 Added year to date for wind direction plots on new advanced graphs and fixed current month rain not showing on the rain graph
24th October 10.37O Build 20  Fix for average tempeature data when not using metric for the new advanced graphing module
23rd October 10.37O Build 19 Update: Added Advanced Graphs (check them out!). (Note that to avoid them closing after 5 minutes this advanced graphing module needs to be purchased (20$US ..see the order page). Will add ability to save to web soon.
15th Octover 10.37O Build 18 .zip update: Added max/min dew point to the av/ext data
14th October 10.37O Build 17 .zip update: Added ability to set colours/font via right mouse click on the weather dials screen. Added option to enter m/s for all tiem records for windspeed entry
13th October 10.37O Build 17 .zip udpate: Added option to use max gust in sample period for WDL windspeed graphs
12th October 10.37O Build 16 Improved the all day video setup screen
4th Ovtober 10.37O Build 15 update:Improvements for the manual 1 wire hub overide.Fixed the updated Ftpupd.exe program from using SSL FTP. Improvements for the Vaisala Maws station
2nd October 10.37O Build 14 .zip update: Fix for WH1081 stations for data flat lining.Added support for SkyLog2000
26th Sep 10.37O Build 13 .zip update: Fix for time of next upload for web table (missing leading 0 for 24 hour format). New wdwebcamcapture version, more fixes with fonts (reset shadow selection and re save))
19th Sep 10.37O Build 12 .zip update: Fix fro xAP messages, now use LF instead of CR
15th Sep 10.37O build 12 .zip update: Now supports the Hobbyboards UV 1 wire sensor
14th Sep 10.37O .zip update: update wdwebcamcapture.exe, vers 9.2, fixes bugs with the overlays (and font on restart)
13th Sep 10.37O Build 11 .zip update: Fixes year to date deailed climate report departure from normal for oF
12th Sep 10.37O Build 10 .zip update: Added ability to set the Twitter time out
10th Sep 10.37O Build 10 .zip update, bug fix for setting minutes to show sunrise/set icon in the universal setup.Rain for a WXT510 now shows rain to 2 dec.plac. for mm
1st Sept 10.37O Build 9 update: Added units of measure custom tags. Fix for WXT510 rain when rain total goes over 100mm.Added Manual 1 wire hup setup
27th August 10.37O build 6 update:added option for 20 minute averaging period for graph for windspeed
24th August 10.37O update: change made to WXT510 average windspeed
20th August 10.37O update: Removed, hit cancel on re establish connection (used only for dial up networking under windows 95) as not compatible with the new compiler compiled Ftpupd.exe version. Fix for ignore first rain of the day not working after the first day running
17th August 10.37O update: New Ftpupd.exe and clientrawrealtime.exe, based on the new compiler. 
12th August 10.37O Build 04: .zip update:added option to have indoor temperature added to the clientrawdaily.txt . Twitter time out and proxy setting now works
10th August 10.37O Build 03: .zip update: Fix for Aus rain reset at start of the month for setting previous month rain total under view, rain chart
3rd August 10.37O Build 03: .zip update: Aded ability to set the string length for twitter updates
23rd July 10.37O Build 02: .zip update: Fix for solar adjust not been applied to history data from wmr200. Fix for fire index pointer showing on FWI page if that is ticked to be uploaded.
22nd June 10.37O Build 01: update: Fix for bug introduced in the last build for moonicon.gif not being up to date
16th June 10.37O Build 00 .zip update: New update to wdxmlwarning (noaa warning) program to fixes a few issues
15th June 10.37O Build 00 .zip update: Fix for Irox history download if your outdoor temp/hum sensor is not default (0). Now correctly works with hobbyboards anenometer board and Vortex speed/direction
11th June 10.37O Build 00 Fix for aus rain option for noaa/climate report. CR/LF now removed from twitter data.
8th June 10.37N Build 32 update: Fix for bug introduced for NOAA report for last day of month
6th June 10.37N Bbuild 31 .zip upate: Added option to use 5 second update for the heavy weather currdat.lst data file option import
30th May 10.37N Build 31 .zip update: Fix for month rain total not resetting when using Aus 9am reset option
27th May 10.37N Build 30 .zip update: Fix for day problem in logfile at 9am reset time when using Aus 9am rain reset option
18th May 10.37N Build 29. zip update: Should fix the problem of the night time cloud sensor not working when recent showers or recent rain showing
15th May 10.37N Build 29: Added ability to turn off to use icon codes for Aweakas and fixed the mist condition. Added ability to set the subject for the manual weather warning email send
6th May 10.37N Build 28 .zip Added ability to use the currdata.lst updated by Heavy Weather software. Some more fixes for last day of month in past data for av/ext and detailed rain chart. Fixes and improvements galore to the Mac version
27th April 10.37N Build 27 .zip update: Added ability to set a different clientraw.txt source location for client mode.Added Build number to window title
26th April 10.37N Build 27 .zip update: Added support for the ADS speed/dir via the hobby boards interface board
24th April 10.37N Build 27 .zip update: Added support for the new AAG WS601 weather station
20th April 10.37N Build 26 .zip update:Added windy night and windy night rain icons. Fix for solar noon custom tag. Convert logfile to data file now checks for ignores a repeated data line (same minute stamp). Added dirplot.gif to customise internet and file creation setup uploads. Added last year rain to the rain chart. UV from meteohub now works (new update)
12th April 10.37N Build 25 .zip update: Release com port for VP works again correctly now. Lat/long in the clientraw.txt is now decimal value
11th April 10.37N Build 24 .zip update: fix for WH1081 10% humidity now works
9th April 10.37N Build 23 .zip update: Added 2nd solar fudge time of day setup
9th April 10.37N Build 22 update: Fix for WH1081/Easy weather for when humidity goes below 10%
3rd April 10.37N Build 22 .zip update: Uses the new Wedaal server for direct send. Fix for FWI graph FFMC and DMC scale
2nd April 10.37N Build 21 update: new Ftpupd.exe version 9.13 to fix a bug introduced with the WU web cam upload in the previous Ftp version
29th March 10.37N Build 21 .zip update: Added option in the real time graph to plot 10 min av wind direction
27th March 10.37N Build 20 .zip update:Fix for max UV data not showing in the av/ext data. Fix for windworks wind direction beinging slightly out.
24th March 10.37N Build 20 .zip update: Fix for UV data not being sent to Wunderground for a OS WMR200
21st March 10.37N Build 20 .zip update: Added Twitter. Added option to show baro to 2 dec.pl. only in the misc setup
11th March 10.37N Build 20 .zip update : Fix for windy threshold not working for current conditions if set to show forecast icon on summary image
11th March 10.37N Build 19 .zip update: Fix for solar for last 24 hours in the clientrawhour.txt for when WD is not running all the time (after the next download)
9th March 10.37N Build 19 .zip update: Fix for when using a average speed offset...and a gust speed offset, for stations where only current and not average speed provided (but was the offset was applied to the average speed, but the average speed was an average of the current speed data, which  already had an offset applied)
5th March 10.37N Build 18 .zip update: Fix for max/min temp time from the Davis VP download
3rd March 10.37N Build 17 .zip udpate. Fix for WXT510 gust speed.
2nd March 10.37N Build 16 update: Fix for rain total last year (to date)(trends and custom tag).
1st March 10.37N Build 16 update: New Ftpupd.exe version, 9.09, fixes a crash on start up, occurs when the setting, there is no file name in the url, in the HTTP download, is set in use, in the Ftp/internet setup
28th Feb 10.37N Build 16 .zip update: Fix for rain rate not working on the default web table for the Irox weather station (not retrospective)
28th Feb 10.37N Build 15 update: Fix for %daysTmaxyear<0Clg% and similar custom tags
27th Feb 10.37N Build 15 Udate: new Ftpupd.exe version (9.08) to fix a bug with the wap uploads (happened after the Ftp component was updated). Also should fix a crash problem that some people were getting
27th Feb 10.37N Build 15 .zip update: Added 2 more special file conversions
25th Feb 10.37N Build 14: Bug fix for departure from normal in the detailed climate report (the averages that were calculated were one day out)
23rd Feb 10.37N Build 13 .zip update Added %mintempovernight2% custom tag (minimum temperature between 6pm and 6am). Fix for WH1081 station , where the low barometer reading was being ignore, i.e where you live at high altitude and no adjustment has been added to the station, but a baro offset has been added to WD
20th Feb 10.37N Build 12 Fixes a start up error in build 11. Added ability to send Wedaal data via HTTP
19th Feb 10.37N Build 11 update: New Ftpupd.exe version : Multiple email to now works OK for  SSL email. Will now not use passive mode if that is not set (upgraded the components used, also in WD )
16th Feb 10.37N Build 10 .zip update: Fix for wettest/driest month rain value in the detailed rain chart
11th Feb 10.37N Build 10 .zip update: Fix for wind direction offset not added for the WMR200 missed data. Added ability to customise the Solar/UV real time graph
8th Feb 10.37N Build 09 .zip update: Fix for meteohub year change over data extraction (where the year was not updated for WD data updating)
6th Feb 10.37N Build 09 .zip update: Added Australia rain 9am reset option where the rain is set against that day of the 9am
5th Feb 10.37N Build 09 .zip update: Fix for %daysTmaxyear<0Clg%  custom tag
3rd Feb 10.37N Build 08: Fix for the scale on the FWI graph for when the values are high.
31st Jan 10.37N Build 07 .zip update: added indoor temp max/min to the limits setup. Added support for standard NMEA weather data to the GPS station setup.Improvements for the Gill windsonic support
27th Jan 10.37N Build 07 .zip update: Added AUS midnight rain reset option for day 1. Changed the Environdata station to use R2 data stream. More improvement for the Meteohub history extraction long term. Fixed not going over 1049hpa for a 3600 type station
19th Jan 10.37N Build 06 .zip update: Fix for windspeed over 25.5 m/s for the WH1081 station
16th Jan 10.37N Build 06 .zip update: Some improvements for meteohub downloads. If selected icon in use, now the sunrise/unset will not overide that selection
15th Jan 10.37N Build 05 .zip update: Fix for Meteohub more than 16 hour download crash. Fix for below -25.5C for WH1081 station type
14th Jan 10.37N Build 04 .zip update: Fixes GDD in the av/ext report. Adds German language to the signature banner.
7th Jan 10.37N Build 03 .zip update: Now works correctly for wind direction and temperature from the Bios station. Now works correctly when m/ph or m/s windspeed units selected on a WX5T10 Ultra sonic station (was OK if knots or km/h on the station in use)
3rd Jan 10.37N Build 03: Fix for Dry condition not showing in clientraw.txt (happened after a change in the code and when not set to have your stations wind/rain override the metar)
2nd Jan 10.37N Build 02 .zip update: Bug fix for viewing last years data in the detailed rain chart
2nd Jan 2009 10.37N Build 02 . zip update: Fixes the problem with the end of year report, where December2008.htm was not created correctly (you can recreate it under view, av/ext)
1st Jan 2009 10.37N Build 01: Fix for an error that shows up under view, program error log (floating point exception) with the end of year av/ext report generation (year to date report creates that error)
30th Dec 10.37N Build 01 Fixes bug with minwindchill for last week custom tag.Added dew point option to fine tune snow/sleet icon, to the new Universal main screen icon setup.
18th Dec 10.37N Build 00 .zip update: If not set to use forecast icon from station, then the forecast icon number in the clientraw.txt is now set to the main icon number
15th Dec 10.37M Build 20:.zip update: Fixes introduced problem with av/ext recreation. Fixes night time clear icon showing at night when selected input daily weather icon is in use. Added time of minimum windchill to clientraw.txt
4th Dec 10.37M Build 20 Update: A few more fixes for the av/ext dates. Gillwindsonic CRC error check added.Added Dutch VP Forecast option.Added ability to save customisation of the graph history graph. Fixes bug with setting to use fixed wind direction and when using dots for wind direction
1st Dec 10.37M Build 19,20 update: A couple more Av/ext bug fixes (and end of month day fix). Update: Improvements to the Icon from metar
27th Nov 10.37M Build 18 .zip update : Fix for icon from metar at night reverting to clear night (OK if a web page update occurs though)
25th Nov 10.37M Build 17 .zip update: Added month ago hi/lo/av to the trends (and custom tags). Update:Fix/change for hamweather cloud/weather conditions type
24th Nov 10.37M Build 16: Fix for introduced bug in build 14 where the minium temperature for the day was being reset from the Davis VP history data at start up. New update: fix for difference from average for rain total for month to date for the detailed climate report
20th Nov 10.37M Build 15: More end of month report bug fixes. Fix for fwi.htm being created with capital letters.Fix for mis-spelled partly cloudy home made night sensor condition
11th Nov 10.37M Build 14: update: New Ftpupd.exe, fixes that no other agenda items are done after a CWOP data send
10th Nov 10.37M Build 14 : Full install update: Fixes the Tapiex message (dll is now updated), if the weather answerphone is setup
8th Nov 10.37M Build 14: Update: Updated Ftpupd.exe and separate croncwop.exe, due to errors with the CWOP data send with the faster ftp uploads version
7th Nov 10.37M Build 14 .zip update:New Ftpupd.exe version:works much fasterfor FTP uploads !
7th Nov 10.37M Build 14: Fixes problem with last year data for 3D graph when viewing months other than current
6th Nov 10.37M Build 13: .zip update: Fix for setting Wunderground cloud type to nothing
5th Nov 10.37M Build 12 update: Fix days with min temp<= setting for detailed climate report. Fix for recreating av/ext. Removed some debug code with some custom tags that was left in, that meant problems opening the 1 wire setup screen
4th Nov 10.37M Build 12 .zip upate: Fixes invalid date error with the last week extremes custom tags
3rd  Nov 10.37M Build 12 .zip update: Tidied up the Auto Scale graphs screen
1st Nov 10.37M Build 11 .zip update: Added SSL email support (e.g smtp.gmail.com) (with the updated Ftpupd.exe)
31st Oct 10.37M Build 11 Fix for Ultimeter complete record for max gust all time record
30th Oct 10.37M Build 11  update: Added a new universal setup (see last menu item under setup)
29th Oct 10.37M Build 10 .zip update: Tidied up the Units setup screen
28th Oct 10.37M Build 09 .zip update: Added more checks for the logfile to data file (i.e warmest/coldest day/night and warmest/coldest temperature for each month)
26th Oct 10.37M Build 09: Fix for the year to date detailed climate report auto update at the end of the month (fix for average values being incorrect (an extra month was being counted))
23rd Oct 10.37M build 08 Fix for the Fire Weather Index calculation (from now on)
23rd Oct 10.37M Build 07 update: A fix for the recently added sleet and snow fine offset
20th Oct 10.37M Build 06: .zip update: Added that the last 24 hour rain data uses the edited/corrected data when recreating the last 31 days data file (via convert logfile to data file)
18th Oct 10.37M Build 05: Correctly now gets the WH1081 ("Fine offset station) missed history data at start up
17th Oct 10.37M Build 04 .zip upsate: WH1081 history data extraction now works with direct mode (no easy weather needed)
17th Oct 10.37M Build 03 .zip update: Added decimal place fine tune for sleet and snow thresholds. Icon number set to 36 and 37 for sunrise/set now
15th Oct 10.37M Build 02 .zip update: Added new all time record custom tags for rain in a  hour period
15th Oct 10.37M Build 01 .zip update: Added ability to convert all found logfiles to data file (see under action) (good for checking all time records)
14th Oct 10.37M Build 01 .zip update:Added alot more all time records check for when converting a logfile to data/graph file.
13th Oct 10.37M Build 01: Fixes a bug with yesterday rain and last 7 day rain for missed data from the wmr200. Also added ability to skip 1 wire temp sensors (so you can add a  1 wire temp sensor as extra temp 4). Bug fix with the wrong year showing in the noaa report for when viewing a year other than the current year
13th Oct 10.37M Build 00: Fixes a bug introduced in build 20 affecting the data to WDL
11th Oct 10.37L Build 20 Update: Fixed a problem with the metar.gif update causing the summary image icon and conditions report to be wrong for the next 1 minute. Fixes max/min soil temperature for each day in the web page av/ext report
10th Oct 10.37L Build 20 update: Added support for the Inspeed windworks USB (speed and direction) sensor (install the supplied inspeed driver first)
9th Oct 10.37L Build 20 .zip update: If metar is 'Mainly clear. now the metar icon shows a mainly fine icon instead of a sunny (no clouds at all) icon, like the main screen/summary image icon does. Also added Irox anenometer temperature, as extra temp 8
6th Oct 10.37L Build 19 .zip upate:a fix for current THSW 
3rd Oct 10.37L Build 19: Fix for view, wmr9168/100/200 extra temp/hum
2nd Oct 10.37L Build 18 .zip update: Fix (data was getting corrupted as time went on) for the 24 hour solar data for the latest update of WDL. Fix for extra temp 3 from irox history missed data
30th Sep 10.37L Build 18: .zip update: shifted the 24 hour solar to clientrawhour.txt for next WDL update
29th Sep 1.37L Build 17 .zip update: Added 24 hour solar data to clientrawextra.txt for WDL
27th Sep 10.37L Build 16: update: fix for moon age in the clientrawextra.txt for when English is not used in WD
25th Sep 10.37L Build 16: Fix for wmr968 extra temp/hum #3 screen, missing humidity info
24th Sep 10.37L build 15: Fix for intermitant Davis VP history data extraction not syncing up at start up issue.
24th Sep 10.37L Build 15: .zip update: Added next full moon (and custom tag)
23rd Sep 10.37L Build 14 update: Some fixes for the Davis IP data logger fuctions
22nd Sep 10.10.37L Build 14 Update: Minor fixes or changes, and fixes/improvements and language additions to the home cloud sensor function
15th Sep 10.37L Build 14: Fix for recent rain/recent showers for current conditions not showing (and instead stopped raining showing)
15th Sep 10.37L Build 13: Fixes a bug if using 10 minute averaging period to set the icon in the solar setup (anything less than 10 minutes is OK)
12th Sep 10.37L Build 11: Fixes a memory leak with the signaturebanner function. New wdwebcamcapture.exe program now correctly reconnects a IP camera if it times out
12th Sep 10.37L Build 10: Fix for the wrong last day showing in the auto av/ext report. Added solar last hour to clientrawhour.txt,and max/min humidity to clientraw.txt, for the next update of WdL
11th Sep 10.37L Build 9 update: The trend arrow on the summary image is again now transparent. Fixed max gust for m/s in the detailed climate report.Fixes the error, '9/31/2008' is not a valid date
8th Sep 10.37L Build 9: Another fix for the last day of  the month and a fix for the first log file entry at the start of the month. Added year for the driest/wettest month in the detailed rain chart
7th Sep 10.37L Build 8 : Fix for last day of month not showing in the av/ext data. Added support for a LED moving sign. Fixes Irox sunshine hours increasing 2x
5th Sep 10.37L Build 6 update: Fixes link to daily web image on av/ext page. Adds 2nd WU webcam uploadfix for
3rd September 10.37L Build 6: Fix for last day of month difference from average for temperature in the detailed climate report for when 9am reset used.Also
if you view a past month/year, then the climatedata output file is date stamped
1st September 10.37L Build 5: Fix for average HDD and CDD for the year to date detailed climate report. Fix for sunshine hours during a solar fudge period if the fudge ajust set the solar % >100. Added ability to use your own home made peltier based night time cloud detector
26th August 10.37L Build 04: update: Adds current solar average to the solar thresholds setup, and fixes a problem when not using the default 10 minute averaging period. Fixes floating point errors with 1 wire solar
25th August 10.37L Build 04: The baro trend arrow on the summary image has been restored.Solar for Capricorn works correct now.
22nd August 10.37L Build 03: Fix for scale on 3D rain and solar charts
21st August 10.37L Build 02: Fix for heating and cooling for year to date detailed climate report
18th August 10.37L Build 01: Fixes a bug with the Irox Pro station re the solar % going to 100% on the minute update briefly
16th August 10.37L Build 00: Fixes the recent rain condition/icon not working.
15th August 10.37k Build 20 .zip update: Added support for the Boltwood cloud sensor (via the cloudlog.txt file that the Clarity II software updates)
   new update to .zip file, added Forecast icon ability from Irox station
12th August 10.37k Build 20  update: some new custom tags added (e,g hours of frost since midnight (reset at midnight). Davis VP snow forecast will now only show if its cold. Update: fix for using password=yes (MYSQL 5.0+)
10th August 10.37k Build 20: Fixes the missing custom image place holders on the custom screen and for the custom for main screen too
6th August 10.37k Build 19 .zip update: Added signature banner setup (in the summary image and icon setup). sunmoonimage window now only shows when you click on more details in the sun moon rise/set. New wmr100/200.exe to fix flat lining of data from a OS WMR200
4th August 10.37k Build 18: More fixes for the year to data detailed climate report.
1st August 10.37k Build 17 update: Fixes bug with temp/wind/rain trend 3D graph for last years data. Also an updated wmr100/200 data gathering program, should fix a problem with the wmr200 stopping getting live data
29th July 10.37k Build 16 update: Fix for wmr100 forecast icon (with the new wmr100.exe program that is included with the full install). Some fixes for the year to date data for the detailed climate report.Scale set back to how it was for the rain chart again.
24th July 10.37k Build 16 update: Some fixes for the climate data year (does not now include the current month (as that is not complete) and a fix for the > =, <= days values too
21st July 10.37k Build 16: Fixes the baro custom tags showing a decimal place for stations that have baro to 1hpa only. Adds support for MYSQL 5.0+ password=YES
20th July 10.37k Build 15 update: Added option to have 5 minute rolling UV aveage for the modified UV sensor for the wmr918
18th July 10.37k Build 15 .zip update: Fixes the weather dials view dials only and then go back to view full again problem. Fixes wunderground almanac (they made some changes)
16th July 10.37k Build 15 .zip:fixes the new overnight minimum temperature custom tag
13th July 10.37k Build 14: update: Added new custom tag, minimum overnight temperature (9pm to 9am). Fix for error with windchill plot during warm temperatures (caused floating point error). New wdwebcamcapture.exe to fix a crashing problem some people have
10th July 10.37k Build 14: Fix for the also ftp to ftp server #3 for wxlocal5.html and above with the customise internet and file creation setup
9th July 10.37k Build 13 .zip update: Added some more custom tags (all time record max/min temp for each months). Also fixed a but with setting remote file properties for the wxlocal files in the customise internet and file creation setup after first setting up the wxlocal5.html and above settings
2nd July 10.37k Build 13 update: Changed to use PWSweather.com server for weatherforyou  . Added ability to set the colours of the scrolling text under the main screen icon
1st July 10.37k Build 13: Added rain spike limit threshold. Added 9am reset rain total to end of clientraw.txt file  . More swedish translation added. New update fixes a bug with the Vaisala WXT510 for winds over 10 kts not recording
30th June 10.37k Build 12: Added support for the Bios station (you need to keep the weather analyser program running)
26th June 10.37k Build 11 update: Some fixes for the wmr200 history data extraction. Also the dallas 1 wire dll files are now copied to the windows system32 folder (if they do not exist), seems to be work better if they exist there
23rd June 10.37k Build 11 .zip update: Fixes "Nighttime" not showing for the solardescripton when metar conditions at nighttime used
21st June 10.37k Build 10 .zip update: Fixes the custom speech times...it was using the speech upload times instead
20th June 10.37k Build 10: Fixes the %hoursofpossibledaylight% custom tag (which affected the testtags.php). Also the rapid fire WU switch turning off bug is fixed.
19th June 10.37k Build 09: Improvement for the hoursofpossibledaylight custom tag. Improvements for the Vaisala WXT510 station.
16th June 10.37k Build 08 New wdwebcamcapture.exe version, now the not keep alive function (and time out) works correct. Fix for only day 30 month affecting the temp wind rain trend graph
15th June 10.37k Build 07 update: Improvements for the Peet Bros stations running in complete record mode. (Thanks to Peet Bros for providing me with a station!)
11th June 10.37k Build 07 .zip update: Fixes rain and temp only sensor for data from meteohub. New update fixes a problem when using the %daysTminyear<20C% tag
10th June 10.37k Build 06 .zip update: Improves the rain auto scaling on the temp/wind/rain trend for when alot of rain. Fixes the nighttime showing when the sunset is after midnight (for high latitdue locations in the summer time), and also fixes the %hoursofpossibledaylight% custom tag too
5th June 10.37k Build 06: Added ability to set the hour to reset the maximum gust separately. Fixed missing month name for the av/ext if using language.ini
2nd June 10.37k Build 05: .zip update: Fixed jump with the animated HTTP download. Meteohub temp only data should work now.Added import from WU CSV data
1st June 10.37k Build 04 .zip upate: Fixes a bug with the irox and the real time solar graph plotting solar %
31st May 10.37k Build 04 .zip update: added driest and wettest months to the detailed rain chart
30th May 10.37k Build 03: Fixes the av/ext files being uploaded still if its set to not do the uploads (problem happens if you then set to also not create them). A text version of the detailed rain chart info is produced, detailedrainchart.txt, in the datafiles folder
25th May 10.37k Build 02: Fixes a bug with the datahtm2.txt web files update from settings
22nd May 10.37K Build 01: Fix for WH1081 sometimes not getting any more data
18th May 10.37k Build 00: update: Fixes data spikes with the WH1081 station (in direct mode)
17th May 10.37K Build 00 update: Added in soil moisture and Leaf wetness all time records custom tags
15th May 10.37k Build 00: Fix for the Fire Weather Index for Northern Hemisphere
13th May 10.37j Build 20: Update: new Ftpupd.exe version, fixes the time of the weather report/warning report email (now the time zone is included). Also fixes the Hurricane conditions bug
12th May 10.37j Build 20: .zip update, Fixes the rain per minute for the daily web av/ext report
7th May 10.37j Build 19: >zip update: Wunderground Almanac working again after they made changes. Now uses the RSS feed...much better (and other countries work now too) (you will need to reset the station remembered (state and station), in a new updated version of WD. Also latest update working good now with the WH1081 in direct mode
6th May 10.37j Build 18: Dang!. Now fixes the daily date stamped av/ext graph upload.
4th May 10.37j Build 16: Sorry, introduced a problem with the daily date stamped graphs with the av/ext routine in build 15 for the current month used. You will now need build 16. Sorry for the inconvenience
3rd May 10.37j Build 15: Recommended upgrade to fix end of month reports and missing last day in previous reports in the av/ext reports
3rd May 10.37j Build 14: Fixes the missing date stamped graph file at the end of the of the month, and some other (should be good now) end of month date formating issues
2nd May 10.37j Build 13:Should be better for when the Vortex anenometer used in regard to checking maximum speeds
a couple of end of month bugs fixed (still a couple more to be fixed).Should be better for the wmr200 history data ...increased the missed data length threshold check
2nd May 10.37j Build 12 full install update: Added direct support for the Watson WH1081 station (no need to run easyweather software)
27th April 10.37j Build 12: Fixes to use solar in a jar with a wmr100/200/Irox station instead of estimated solar from UV. Fixes month title on av/ext web page. Should be all good for that now.Fixes soil temperature showing up wrongly
25th April 10.37j Build 11 : Fixes the day on the date stamped web graph for the av/ext daily update. Fixes the manualy added files to the auto databackup .zip no being remebered (included in the full install). Also the dew point all time records are now correctly added to the clientrawextra.txt file
24th April 10.37j Build 10 update: New wdwebcamcapture.exe version: updated component, should fix some things.Gill windsonic windspeed spikes should be fixed.Added rain for the last week to the weekly email report. Rain days under view, rain chart, now uses the rain days threshold (set under setup, advanced/misc), that the detailed rain chart uses. Made a change that should help let the Davis IP data logger still update to the davis web site (if set to release every minute set)
22nd April 10.37j Build 10: Added new seconds time tag. Fixed that if after going to the weatherbug setup, then you can not go to the Awekas setup unless you restart WD. Fix for meteohub missed data not finishing.
18th April 10.37j Build 09: Fixes metehub data extraction problem
17th April 10.37j Build 08: Checks added for Gill windsonic windspeed. Improvements for the wmr200 history data. now year and month to date all time records are checked when converting logfile to data file
16th April 10.37j Build 07: Full install update: Now supports the Weather Hawk data logger
14th April 10.37j Build 07:Fix for WMR200 average windspeed, and added in battery status too (new wmr100.exe in the full install). History data working faster again
12th April 10.37j Build 06: Added support for WeatherBug Backyard Weather Real time data (full install version )
10th April 10.37j Build 05:(.zip) Fixes the WMR200 history extraction skipped data problem. Web av/ext rewrite of the code looking good now.
7th April 10.37j Build 03: The new av/ext web rewrite should be good now.
4th April 10.37j Build 01: Some fixes for the rewrite of the daily av/ext routine
3rd Aoril 10.37j Build 00: A re write of the code for the daily averages/extremes for the web page. Fixes end of months bugs and other associated bugs. Also you can now add in daily weather conditions from past days (via input daily weather).
2nd April 10.37i Build 20: Fixes a bug some people had with the previous months logfile getting deleted on the month roll over (it can bre created via action, convert WD logfiles to data files (then tick convert data file to logfile and choose that months data file and click on convert)
1st April 10.37i build 19: Added ability to set the image/file size of the animatedwebcam.gif  Note that was an april fools joke in the program on start up before noon, 1st April, in the .zip update
30th March 10.37i Build 18: Supports Meteobub via HTTP now. Some other minor fixes.Added new snow days tag
22nd March 10.37i Build 16: Some minor fixes and improvements as per the WD forum. Fixes 10 minute average windspeed option for CWOP data.
13th March 10.37i Build 15 update: Fixed the skipped data problem with the wmr200 history extraction at start up 
12th March 10.37i build 15: Added ability to change the output frequency of the MP3 voice file , to the weather voice setup. Added a fudge solar % offset for between certain times of the day (for shadow effects), to the max solar for lat/long setup. New Ftpupd.exe version, to fix the .swf file uploads
11th March 10.37i Build 14 : Improvement for the WMR200 history data. Fix for the wmr100 extra sensors for when then the wmr100 program restarts.
Humidity offset/slope offset should now work for the Ultimeter in complete record mode. 
9th March 10.37i Build 13 .zip update: Update for the next release of WDL. Also some additions for wedaal.txt
5th March 10.37i  Build 13 .zip update: Improved the av/ext web page recreate function...now rain for month and year and each day totals up correctly for each day. Also fixed some other problems with wrong days data being used.
4th March 10.37i Build 11 .zip update: Should fix the leap year Feb av/ext reports missing day 29. Fixes the missing day 29 for the solar data for Leap year Feb for when viewing the av/ext data and recreating the av/ext web page for February.
3rd March 10.37i Build 11 Update: Improvement for the last 7 day data for WDL
27th Feb 10.37i Build 11 update: Tidied up the lightning count screen. Weather answer phone system improved.
22nd Feb 10.37i build 10 update: Improvements for the new speech setup. CWOP data send only occurs at the minute that is the last number in the CWOP number (as per the CWOP guidlines)
21st Feb 10.37i Build 10, fixes noaa report max gust speed. Fixes "cloudy  with clear p"  problem
20th Feb 10.37i build 9 .zip update: Added daily rain for each day to the av/ext .html, and the month rain total now adds up when recreating that. Some improvements to the THSW .Irox rain amounts match OK now (with updated iroxdata.exe program)
19th Feb 10.37i Build 08 .zip update: Added hi/lo numbers for temperature to the noaa 5 day forecast. Updated weather voice driver, now has SAPI5 suport (you will need to reselect the speech driver) and updated weather answer phone (full install needed)
18th Feb 10.37i Build 07 .zip: Improvement for wmr200 history. Fixed reset of max gust via action, reset selected all time records, for km/h, showing the windrun data instead.Added support for Meteohub , TCP/IP(wmr968)
14th Feb 10.37i Build 06: Has the night time weather conditions/description/metar description working correct again.
13th Feb 10.37i Build 05: Fixes current/vs average graph under view, av/ext, where the average line was 1 day out.Update: added separate rain threshold for year to data for detailed climate report conditions. New .zip updated: Added Thunder (via strikes counts for each day against threshold in the detailed climate report) and totals days of thunder, to the detailed climate report (for stations with a lightning detector (1 wire or Nexstorm /Lightning 2000)

9th Feb 10.37i Build 02:Fixes extra hum 2 for plotting being 0 (if extra hum 3 is 0). More improvements/fixes for wmr200 history data (especialy for if extra temp/hum sensors). New Ftpupd.exe version with full install fixes the remote direcory setting for wxlocal5 and above in the customise internet and file creation setup not being used.
8th Feb 10.37i Build 01: Fixes UV data not being sent to WU
7th Feb 10.37i Build 00 Default CWOP server to use changed to cwop.aprs.net . Some more BFT tags added.
4th Feb 10.37h Build 26 .zip udate: Added hail (intensity/duration/amount/peak) info as custom tags for the Vaisala WXT510 Ultrasonic.

3rd Feb 10.37h Build 26 .zip update: Another fix for wmr200 history. Fix for detailed climate data for year data for diff from average for the whole chosen year for temperature and windspeed.Fix for Ultimeter stations for wind direction , when using complete record mode

2nd Feb 10.37h Build 25 More fixes for the wmr200 history extraction. New .zip update: Fixes date and time of last rain being reset at start up
28th Jan 10.37h Build 22 Update: Fix for wmr200 history data for when extra temp/hum senors in use. Some language fixes/additions.
26th Jan 10.37h Build 20 update: Fixes a bug with the wmr200 station where the separate data gathering program was not starting
25th Jan 10.37h Build 20 Fixes rain bug with the Irox station at start up.
25th Jan 10.37h Build 19 .zip update: Fixes a bug with temperature from a Metar. Fixes a problem with the dailylogfile.txt getting corrupted when recreating the av/ext.
22nd Jan 10.37h Build 19: Added suppor for the new Davis VP IP data logger (live data). Fixed bug with wmr200 forcast icon use.
20th Jan 10.37h Build 18: wmrbatterystatus.gif now works with the WMR10/WMR200.Fixes an exit error.
18th Jan 10.37h Build 17: Fix for missed rain from Davis VP download (especialy if 10 minute logging inteval in use). Fixes the /Dusk/Dry/Dry/ bug too
17th Jan 10.37h Build 15 update: Fixes detailed rain chart day 31 not showing for midnight reset use.
Build 16 .zip update: Missed data catch up from the WH1080PC via the easyweather data file working now.
16th Jan 10.37h Build 15: Fixes rain with the irox (rain spike occuring just at the end of the history data extraction at start up).
13th January 10.37h Build 13 .zip update: Fixes the duplicate day in the av/ext report recreate
7th January 2008 .zip update: Fixes the detailed rain chart being 1 day out. Build 11 .zip update:
 Max/min from WXSIM in the 5 day forecast for a night time forecast works now.
5th January 10.37h Build 10 update: Adds leading zeros to the date stamped dailywebcam.gif file (for months or days less than 10), to avoid duplication/overwritting of that file
3rd January 2008, 10.37h Build 10: More fixes for WMR200 data history catch up (for barometer and rain). Also WMR200 forecast icon functionality added.
31st December 10.37h Build 08: Fixes a bug with %bftspeedtext10%. Also fixes the links for Wedaal
26th December 10.37h Build 07: Fix for the graphs for each day for the recreate the av/ext. Fecix for the WMR200 for history data at start up when more than 1 extra temp/hum sensor. Fixes m/s units for the new windrose.Fixes the missing FWI pointers
26th December 10.37h Build 06: Fixes the missing > in the new FONT COLOR html code for the max/min temperature and daily text in the av/ext page (December2007.htm) (you will need to edit that back in again). New wmr100/200.exe version for the OS WMR200 which will reset the USB port when no data arrives from the WMR200
19th December 10.37h Build 05: Fixes bug for rain for each day for the new detailed rain chart where the rain fell in the last hour of the day
19th December 10.37h Build 04 update: Added support for the WH1080PC station via the easy weather data file
16th December 10.37h Build 04: Change in the barometer checking for Ultimeter stations (for quality checking). Red/blue colour for the max/min temp in the daily report now. Should fix the dirplot2.gif not being 24 hour. Low windspeed plot should be better now for stations that calculated their own windspeed. Added leading zero for date stamped daily all day video file now
13th December 10.37h Build 03 update: New WMR100/200 version, fixes the slow update rate for the outdoor temp/hum sensor for the WMR200 station (set the outdoor temp/hum sensor to use to 0 (default) (make sure to exit the running wmr100/200.exe program first to get it updated with the new version in the full install download)
11th Dec 10.37h Build 03 update: Added ability to show/hide objects on the weather dials screen (right mouse click to do that)
9th December 10.37h Build 03: Fixes 2x rain amount for the irox/nexus/honeywell station
6th December 10.37h Build 02: More end of month fixes for reports and uploads(and for the new year too).
3rd December 10.37h Build 00: Fixes the date stamped grpah file link and creates each day date stamped graph file when doing the recreate av/ext file and also the last day is found OK now too (uses the logfile to do this). Also fixes a bug with 9am reset where the logfile was deleted at midnight.
30th November 10.37g Build 19: Fixes last year data not showing in the temp/wind/rain trend for the last day.More French language added.
28th November 10.37g build 18: Fixes year rain total in the new detailed rain chart. Also fixes the switch in the customise internet and file creation setup for wxlocal.html 5 and above not being set on or off in the settings save
26th November 10.37g Build 16: Added ability to create/upload the new detailed rain chart to the customise internet and file creation setup (as raindetail2.gif)
25th November 10.37g Build 15: Added year to date and average year to date rain to the new rain screen
23rd Nov 10.37g Build 14 update: New wr100/200.exe version, shows needed info for the wmr200 staton to find which sensor number is your outdoor temp/hum sensor. Some other minor fixes and improvements .Fixes bug with HTTP download #3 using #2 times.More info added to new rain chart.
14th Nov 10.37g Build 13: You can now set the scales on the temp/wind/rain trend chart. Also for year to date , the rain for the current month should now be correct there
13th Nov 10.37g Build 12: Day 31 now works with the new rain chart, and also the number of rain days now works correctly with the rain day threshold under the advanced/misc setup
10th Nov 10.37g Build 11: Fixes and improvements for the new rain chart.New wdmysql version with the full install fixes a bug for the date at midnight
5th Nov 10.37g Build 10: Fixes a bug with 9am reset time and end of month change. Also fixes bug with WMr200 station for sensor number to use causing error with integer at start up. New feature added: new rain chart, see under view, rain data
29 Oct 10.37g Build 08 New additions to the detailed climate data reports (you will need to use the new templatest in your web files folder), difference from average for windspeed and rainfall. Fixed logfile not starting new on first day of the month for midnight reset time.
21 Oct 10.37g Build 07 Fixes stopping of data problem introduced with the 2310 type stations
15th Oct 10.37g Build 06 .zip update: Fixes viewing of a different month for the graphing under view, sunshinehours/evapotranspiration. Also fixes wetbulb plot for auto scale graphs all the time option. Fixes dew point plot error on the real time graph after restarting WD. Added webcam image time stamped file override (so no animatedwebcam.gif needed)
8th Oct 10.37g Build 05: Fix for tempwindrain trend for when only 30 days last month. Full install update includes new wdwebcamcapture.exe program (fixes the overlay problems and also its now not compressed (the .exe) which fixes the instability some people had
3rd Oct 10.37g Build 04: End of month problems now fixed.Added new data file so lightning counts for each day can be stored
2nd October 10.37g Build 03: Fixed the %nowrainjun% type custom tags. Fixes missed rain during heavy rain with a Lacrosse 2300/2310 type station
30th September 10.37g Build 00: Fixed more end of month problems.
29th September 10.37f Build 18: Positions of max/min on the 5 day forecast for wxsim remembered when customising.Fix for days along bottom of 3D temp/wind/rain chart. Full install has new clientrawrealtimeftp.exe, which fixes the clientrawdaily.txt not uploading. Fixes bug with rain from a Davis VP during data extraction at start up.Fix for the rainnow tags (for this months rain total (it was instead using the today rain and not month rain total)
21st September 10.37f Build 17 .zip update: Added Chandler Burning index to FWI screen and as custom tag. THSW now calculated below 17oC
15th September 10.37f Build 17: Fixes bug in the temp/wind/rain trend (should be all good now!) (also in the last31daysdata.txt)
9th September 10.37f Build 15 .zip update: fixes the heat index not working for metric (bug introduced when I improved the THSW calculation)
6th September 10.37f build 15>: update: improved the handling of UV and solar for the WMR100 and Irox stations
3rd September 10.37f Build 15: fixes the recreate last 31 days data file. Also fixes a introduced bug with the VP data extraction
27th August 10.37f Build 14: Weather Link .wlk file import much improved (faster and the rain totals update correct now)
27th August 10.37f Build 13: Full install update: New wdewebcamcapture.exe, 7.1, seems to start up better for people who had problems with the upgraded component. Added Freewx logfile import
26th August 10.37f Build 13: Update: a couple of fixes for Metars. Fix for original WMR918 station after change I made in the code (combining of the code)
23rd August 10.37f Build 13: Update: Fixes Spanish and French language in the FTP/internet setup
20th August 10.37f Build 13: Update: Improved (faster and fixes rain bug) history data extraction when using heavy weather history.dat file with a 3600 station
18th August 10.37f Build 13: Fixes incorrect monthly rain total in the averages/extreme web report for when inches of rain used. Also fixes the vpforecast being stuck (i left some debug code in). Added year data to the wind temp rain trend
15th August 10.37f Build 11 update: Added support for Lightning2000 (via the nowcast.txt file)
14th August 10.37f Build 11: Fixes the customcleintraw.txt file not updating in build 10
13th August 10.37f Build 10:Added ability to be able to set the sig weather conditions threshold for the detailed climate reports. Update: fixed the rain with the VP .wlk import
10th August 10.37f Build 10: Added significant weather conditions and Fog and Gale days to the detailed climate report (copy the new climatedata.html and climatedatayear.html files to your web files folder. New client viewer with custom tags on a new custom screen.
7th August 10.37f Build 08 : Fixed the humidity plot for a day selected under view, graph history. Update: Fixed sunsine hour for months from years prioe to the current year under view, sunshine hours.
6th August 10.37f Build 07 .zip update: Found I was not setting the Baud rate on the Irox Pro for the data extraction at start up, so would cause sometimes to not work if the weather station had been reset and then PC rebooted.
5th August 10.37f Build 06 .zip upate: Fixed the davis VP .wlk data file import! (does not miss data anymore) :). Also full install now has the latest wdwebcamcapture.exe program (that has IP camera support). Also fix for wdmysql data import where there month only has 30 days
3rd August 10.37f build 05: Done more work on the end of the month bugs (for the uploading of the time stamped noaareport and climatedata files)
3rd August 10.37f Build 04 update: Fixes a bug in the view, averages/extremes for when selecting a day to view,it was loading up the months before data for wind direction
31t July 10.37f Build 04: Improved the web page search, handles NOAA web page OK now.Added option to shift the wind direction on the real time graph 180o
26th July 10.37f Build 03: Added much more Italian translation (basicly complete now). Fixes spike in lightning counts from nexstorm to WDL.Added VP storm rain tags
23rd July 10.37f Build 01: Fix for the wind direction plot under view, averages/extremes. Possible fix for the high nexstorm hour 11 count for WDL
20th July 10.37f Build 00: Fixed the selecting different months etc under view, averages/extremes (happened after adding the new wind rose). Fixed some more end of month bugs (like day 31 missing etc) ...should be good now hopefully. Missing minutes of sunshine due to the seting of the VP time at 6:06 am fixed.
18th July 10.36e Build 19: New auto scale option for all graphs (see in graph setup, scale setup) (not web graphs at this stage). Fixed the move left button on the main screen graph. Fixed first lightning warning email for 1 wire lightning
16th July 10.36e Build 16: New wind direction Rose under view,averages/extreme,speed/vs direction.
10th July 10.37e Build 15: Fixes the time from graph cursor/web image at cursor problems introduced when the time from cursor is now in the format you have set in WD for time format
8th July 10.37e Build 13 update: Indoor log is now converted to .inf data file, so now indoor tem/hum is available in the graph history. New month/year stamped time file too created.
5th july 10.37e Build 13: Fixes days along the bottom of the sunshine hours graph and wind/rain/temp trend graph
5th july 10.37e Build 12 update: Fixes bug with the honeywell/irox station where WD would sometimes record rain but not othertimes
3rd July 10.37e Build 12: Fixes the time format introduced problem in the clientrawextra.txt file. Fixes the create av/extremes that was broken (after a change in a graph routine when fixing an end of month issue).Fixes extra humidity values with the WS2500 station
1st July 10.37e Build 11: Fixes a few end of month bugs. Time format from mouse graph position now what you have set the time format to be. Windspeed and baro data now updates along the time of the windspeed
graph from the temp/hum graph mouse position.
30th June 10.37e Build 10: Update: Fixes data stopping with the WXT-510 station
29th June 10.37e Build 09 update: Fixed the SMS email to this list in the email warning not working for authentic email username only (new ftpupd.exe version). Added test button for email warning to the noaa xmlwarning program (and the noaa xml warning time to send again is now in minutes)
28th JUne 10.37e Build 09: Noaa xml program: now honours the time between can send again but added option to send always. More Spanish translation added. Fix for VP forecast icon for rain.Fix for exit password and the X still closing WD
26th June 10.37e Build 08: Updated more German translation. Irox history extraction working great now
23rd June 10.37e Build 07: Changed it so that the ° is only used for web pages to show the degree symbol.Irox history extraction should work better for data wrap around for stations with only 8k memory
Custom mysql working ok now.
Update to .zip version: added option to not ftp to default server if ftping to other ftp servers in the advanced internet setup 
22nd June 10.37e Build 06: Converted the remaing custom tags still ising the degree symbol over to using ° to fix ? showing on the web page.
20th June 10.37e Build 05 .zip update: Added ability to set the hour for the end of the day all day video updates (instead of fixed at 22 hour (10pm)). customclientraw.txt now copied to 2nd
location if that is setup for the clientraw files.
18th June 10.37e Build 04 .zip update: Fixes forecasticonword tag and icon at night for forecast from station fro VP. Fixes new mainlycloudy icon around the edge of the image problem
17th June 10.37e Build 03 .zip update: Added ability to receive via TCP over an internet connection data from a IRDAM station
16th June 10.37e Build 03 .zip update: Added a mainly cloudy icon (icon number 19) for use from the solar to set icons option.
14th June 10.37e Build 03: Fixes the daily date stamped graph file (problem introduced after fixing the end of the month issue)
13th June 10.37e Build 02: Fixes FTP bug with a browser window opening, which occured with the latest build
12th June 10.37e Build 01: Update: Fixes heat index plotting incorrectly when over 100oF and fixed weather talk being played instead of writing to the file (problem introduced with latest version 
(problem happened I had to reinstall windows)
11th June 10.37e Build 00: Fixes the end of the month report problems (and print/email report (at 14 minutes past the hour) now works again too :)
10th June 10.37d Build 24: Full install update:New Ftpupd.exe version, fixes change directory back after every file even if not set to in the advanced internet setup. New 
wdwebcamcapture program, updated component, should vista issue.
9th June 10.37d Build 24: Added custom mysql setup to a new wdmysql.exe program.
6th June 10.37d Build 23 : Fixes a few bugs with the wind/temp/rain trend
5th June 10.37d Build 22 .zip: Fixes crash with the Davis .wlk data file import. Fixes the sunshine hours reported under view, solar detail, graph
4th June 10.37d Build 21 full install: Added ability to have a custom clientraw file created and uploaded with the clientraw real time ftp
1st June 10.37d Build 20 full install: Added wunderground web cam upload setup to the wunderground setup
1st June 10.37d Build 19 .zip update: Added toggle under input daily weather, for to show in next WDL version, the davis forecast text/warning text
30th May 10.37d Build 18 .zip update: Fixes max daily rain day for the noaa report
28th May 10.37d Build 18 : Fixes All time days with rain, being added to the recordssetlog.txt file all the time
10th May 10.37d Build 17 update: Added new data (sunshine hours/soil temperature, etc) to the Awekas direct upload.Added option to have lighteninggraph.gif just the graph only
8th May 10.37d build 17: Yesterday video should now be able to be set to be created and uploaded if nothing else set. Some bugs fixed with the new davis soil temp 2,3 and 4 all time records
7th May 10.37d build 16: added all time record for davis VP soil temperature 2, 3 and 4.Update: added SFTP option for clientrawrealtime ftp uploads (faster)
7th May 10.37d build 15 update: Fixes dew change last hour custom tag (problem when using USA units)
3rd May 10.37d build 15 update: Fixes, this time, the double dry, at dawn/dusk, for %currentsolardescriptoin% custom tag. Added all time record for extra temp 5. Added weather warning email for extra temp 5
30th April 10.37d build 15: Added all time records for days with rain (custom tags and ability to reset/set values). Update, .zip: added some more custom tags (min windchill/max heat index year ago)
29th April 10.37d build 14: Small change/fix to the clientrawextra file for the next version of WDL
28th April 10.37d build 13: A couple of solar bug fixes. Update: added hi/lo temperature to 5 day forecast from wxsim
26th April 10.37d build 11: Fixes icon from solar for the Honeywell/Irox station. Also a fix for solar %.Update: New wdwebcamcapture version: stretch fro video size works now (next time restart) and added prefered video size for #2 webcam.Also new clientrawrealtimeftp.exe version, to upload the new detailed clientrawhour.txt file for WDL
24th April 10.37d build 09: Fixes sunshine hours not being calculated for the WMR100 and Irox stations
                  build 10: fixes introduced problem of not completing the exiting of the program
23rd April 10.37d build 07: Fixes average windspeed for the Capricorn 2000
                  Build 08: Should fix the Dry being reported 2x during dawn and dusk for the solar description
22nd April 10.37d build 06: .zip update: Fixed problems with dallas 1 wire extra temp 4 and above,and also the extra temperature offsets.More french translation completed.
20th April 10.37d build 04:Added new data needed for the next update of WDL (still to get added to the realtimeftp still)
11th April 10.37d build 02: update to fix the wrong version uploaded (which resulted in a basic WMR100 version)
11th April 10.37d build 01: Added last 7 day graph data for the next version of WDL to the clientrawdaily.txt file
10th April 10.37d build 00: added colour to the wind direction plot for windspeed strength. A couple of 1 wire custom tag fixes (time from humidity low)
9th April: 10.37d build 00 .zip update: All day video creation now set at 23 minutes past the hour instead of 13 minutes past the hour, to avoid conflict with the hour creation. More French translation done.
4th April 10.37d Build 00: Fixes the wind direction plot (after I made the graphic in the center a better size). Fixes start up error introduced if German languge selected.A few more improvements/fixes for the Irox data extraction at start up
4th April 10.37c Build 28, .zip: Irox data extraction working great now!. Wind direction plot graphic improved.
3rd April 10.37c build 26 update: Irox/Honeywell data history extraction now works correctly :)
2nd April 10.37c build 25: Now Dewpoint and windchill update straight away instead after only the first 2 minutes have passed (happened if no datalogger). Fixes sunsine hours and solar /uv real time data no being updated from history data extraction at start up (e.g Davis VP)
31st March 10.37c build 23: Solar % and then then sunshine hours fixed for the Irox/honeywell station. 
29th March 10.37c Build 22: More french translation. UV for WMR100/Irox now shows up in daiy hi/low and sunshine hours screen and max/min UV on bar on main screen should be fixed. Nexstorm integration stoping updating error should be fixed.
25th March 10.37c Build 21: Fixes solar wm/2 plot not working on the solar real time graph for the texas instruments station.New moviemaker.exe version fixes crashes that occured between midnight and 2am (the all day video files are not know created between those times). Fixes a bug with the 1 wire station temperature not updating
23rd March 10.37c build 19: Fixes the thumbnail creations (and also now works for the forecasticon.gif). Improved French translation of what has been done so far (sentence length etc). Also fixes bug with if jpeg files selected, foreacasticon.jpg was trying to be uploaded instead of forecasticon.gif
22nd March 10.37c build 17: Fixes 1 wire solar % solar
20th March 10.37c build 16: new clientrawrealtimeftp program now correctly uploads webcam image if selected to do that. Alldaymovie.swf is now uploaded fully with the new ftpupd.exe version (i now use the SFTP to do that). 
19th March 10.37c build 14 More French translation added. Some fixes for the Ultimeter station (problem happened after a incoming data re-organisation).Now works with all 9 extra temp/hum sensors from a WMR100
16th March 10.37c build 13 full install update:New moviemaker.exe version, now, for every 10 minute video, should stop the probem of if an error then the files were not being deleted (as now the files from midnight to 1 hour ago are deleted before the movie is created).
16th March 10.37c build 13 : Fixes windrun not showing (introduced bug), if selected. Added ability to set the minimum count for lightning counts to plot on the lightning count line on the graphs (good to not show background noise)
15th March 10.37c build 12 update: #2 setup for weather report emails custom report settings now independent more. Note, use 2customsubject.txt (and 2customsubject1.txt, etc)
13th March 10.37c build 12: Improved the layout of the custom screen right mouse click menu options
12th March 10.37c build 11: Added ability to draw temporary grid lines on the main screen and custom screens (good for aligning things)
12th March 10.37c build 10 update: Fixes Irox data extraction not working past memory location 1715
10th March 10.37c build 10 update:Fixes wind direction and humidity data in the clientrawdaily.txt file.Improvement for the 3rd party web cam setup time stamped file creation timing.
8th March 10.37c build 10. Fixes the daily webcam update/upload ,tide update/upload and others under file #34 in the customise internet and file creation setup. Fixes the wdmysql on the hour time problem (new full install with new wdmysql.exe version). Fixes introduced bug with the max solar for time of day (when I made it where you can plot the max solar on the graph, I introduced a bug, but OK now). German language completed.
7th March 10.37c build 07 update: Fixes on the hour wrong hour being sent to the wdmysql update (new WeatherD.exe via updated .zip file)
7th March 10.37c build 07 Fixes/improves the file create time when using the 3rd party web cam setup
5th March 10.37c build 06 Added PNG support (custom screen, main screen, weather dials, large display) (more colours than .gif but slightly smaller file size). Also easier now to add custom tags to the custom screen-> you can type in the tag to use if you know it already instead of looking it up in a list.
3rd March 10.37c build 05 Added option to plot max solar for time of day instead of indoor temperature to the solar setup
3rd March 10.37c build 04 Thumbnail creation now working good, via the customise internet and file creation setup
2nd March 10.37c build 03 .zip update: Italian VP text forecast option added.
1st March 10.37c build 03 .zip: Fixes an old bug where the 2310 station type data extraction does not work for when the data extraction occurs during a month change over period
1st March 10.37c build 02 update: new ftp version fixes double up of uploaded files from a HTTP download
1st March 10.37c build 02: MOre German language added. New wdwebcamcapture version:if no gif file name set, then no gif file name produced. Also, if animated web cam no set on in WD in the webcam setup, then no time stamped gif file production, now.
28th Feb 10.37c build 01: Dannish language completed :) Another fix for the data for last year on the temp/wind/rain trend graph. Noaadailyreport.htm drop down for the date stamped files added to the averages/extreme page now. Also added option to use max+min/2 for the average temperature in the noaa report.
27th Feb 10.37c update: Fix for last year data in the temp/wind/rain trend for when you select other months/years there. More Dannish language added.
25th Feb 10.37c Full install update: With a new ftpupd.exe version, and a new option added, the HTTP download can now handle  URL that does not contain a file name (i.e the image to download is called via the URL). This is good news for say rain radar downloads or for IP cam image downloads where the actual image file name is not in the URL but is done on the fly by the web server
24th Feb 10.37c end of month reports (climate data and noaa reports) working much better now (I have done lots of testing). More language translations completed (thanks to the volunteers (and more to be done still!). New ftpupd.exe version that now can handle large file sizes correctly (e.g the all day video uploads)
22nd Feb 10.37b build 05 Fixes rain double up on start up with the Irox /Honeywell station with the data extraction at start up. Added more spanish/french /German and Dannish language translations. Added ability to customise the Large Display now.
19th Feb 10.37b build 03 Fixes high cpu use with the new system tray icon problem. Added option to alternate the data on the system tray icon.
18th FEb 10.37b build 01 Now you can customise the tray icon colour, (setup, misc/advanced) and it now also shows a decimal place for temperature :)
17th Feb 10.37a build 32 Fixed bug introducd for max solar radiation for time of day/solar % ,etc. Metar condition in clientraw data for current conditions now does not include coud height info. Fixes rain graph long decimal place for scale problem with certain rain totals.Build 34: last years wind and temperature plot now OK on the wind/temp/rain trend ( needed fixing after that was made a last 31 day data some time ago). Fixed the recently added new monthly rain tags (e.g %janrain%)
16th Feb 10.37a build 30 fixes solar on client mode (you still need to set the lat/long correct in the solar setup and in the sun moon setup and turn the solar switch on)
16th feb 10.37a build 29 .zip More translation done (German, french, and some Dannish now added).Fixed rain last 31 days for WDL being 1 day out of sequence.
15th Feb 10.37a build 28 Fog icon low windspeed threshold setting added to summary image and icon setup. Moviemaker.exe only now produces a logfile if that is setup (in the all day video setup), as the logfile being produced was causing crashes in some setups. 1 wire snow depth sensor now working good.Bug fix for the use of the lat/long in the solar setup for the max solar radiation for time of day (-/+ was being used wrong way around in the code  for the longitude)
15th Feb 10.37a build 27 Added ability to set the new spike check limits and time out, to the Offset setup. The extra sensor graph more sensors is now updated to the internet along with the extra sensor graph (if set to)
14th FEb 10.37a build 23 The ftp now uses default remote file names if they have not been set in the customise internet and file creation setup. Temperature being 0.1 C to warm below 0 F fixed for the davis VP
12th Feb 10.37a build 20 Fixes a bug with the 12 month rain total for WDL for January (bug occurred when no rain data for March)
11th Feb 10.37a build 18 Added ability to customise the system tray mouse hover weather info via custom tags (see under setup, advcanced/misc).
10th Feb 10.37a build 16 .zip  fixes problem with 1 minute or slower updating weather stations with the logfile being updated 2x.
8th Feb 10.37a build 10 .zip update. Fixes a bug with the daysless, daysgreater than for year custom tags (e.g %daysTminyear<0C%)
8th Feb 10.37a build 09 (.zip version) ELV WS500 history data extraction working good now 
7th Feb 10.37a build 08 Improvements for the ELV WS500 history data extraction. Override sunrise/set hour for all day movie should work OK now
6th Feb 10.37a build 02 Simplified the code for handling the data from all the different weather station types, so now 1 wire windspeed and 2310 station type works Ok now. curr6hourgraph.gif now is created and uploaded OK (option in the customise internet and file creation setup).
5th feb 10.37a 30 second time stamped file now works for 3rd party web cam setup. Changed the main 1 minute agerage of data routine (simplified the code...more work to do on that)
2nd feb 10.37 build 20 Fixes glitch for extra temp4 on the extra sensor real time graph when you open and close that. Should be better for 1 wire windspeed with a 2310 station. Main screen custom tags : you can now set test before the tag. Should fix the last day of the month time stamped graph file
2nd Feb 10.37 build 19. Improvements for the Irox station for the extra temp/hum handling.Added minimise to tray for right mouse click on the main graph so that Vista users can easily minimise to the tray.
30th Jan 10.37 build 16 Fixed daily snow total in detailed noaa report wrong for inches of snow (was reporting CM of snow).Fix for Vaisala WXT510 windspeed. Buil 17: fix for view, metar images causing an error
28th Jan 10.37 build 13 Now works correctly for the skyview data logger .csv logfile import. More improvements and fixes for the all day video. Added option to show windspeed to 1 decimal place or not in the units setup
27th Jan 10.37 build 11. Added otpion for screen shot to not include the graphs. Added option for weather report email to send at sunset (good if you have the webcam image as an attachment). Increased by 1 hour after sunset for the cut off time for the all day video...so right up to complete dark (maybe might  have to make as an option how long past sunset hour?)
27th Jan 10.37 full install update: new moviemaker.exe , fixes video last hour not being uploaded (was fixed earlier, but change was not saved and PC was restarted). 2nd web cam with the wdwebcamcapture now working (tick to enable, then restart)
26th Jan 10.37 build 10 Fixes the Noaa 5 day forecast after noaa made changes. Yesterday max/min temperature now works correctly for when data extraction overnight is gathered (i.e WD not running during the daily reset time). Also, conditions at night in the current conditions now on by default (e.g "Dry")
24th Jan 10.37 build 04 Now WD gets missed history data from the Irox/Honeywell station :)
24th Jan 10.37 buld 03 More fixes/improvements for moviemaker and wdwebcamcapture/all day video setup. Fixes yesterday max temp bug I introduced.
18th jan 10.37 build 01: 5 day forecast Ok again for NOAA forecast (wxsim additions had upset it) . Improvements for the separate iroxdata and wmr100 programs 
17th jan 10.37 added moon description custom tag.New moviemaker.exe fixes crashing problem.Improvement made to the ftp program to stop file sequence problems.
17th jan 10.36z build 19 Fixes ten second file name copy for ten minute web cam image (now that WD controls movie maker is in use). Windchill will not plot above 10oC now on the graphs unless you set to allow that in the misc setup
16th jan 10.36z build 16 WD now controls moviemaker instead of wdwebcamcapture (you need to use the updated wdewbcamcapture). This is so that I can more easily improve the whole all day video sha bang
15th jan 10.36z build 13 Improved wxsim 5 day forecast. Fixes bug with %daysTmin<-15C% custom tag
10th jan 10.36z build 11 Changed the default aprs servers used (rotate server is now the default).Improved the wmr100.exe program
5th jan 10.36z build 10 Irox/honeywell update: now uses the usb.dll file: much better !
4th jan 2007 10.36z build 09 Added more data to wunderground (if you have those sensors), e.g solar/uv/soil temp/soil moisture/leaf wetness. Made improvements to the 5 day forecast from wxsim output. Added average rain custom tags.
4th jan 2007 10.36z build 06 Separate .exe for the WMR100 station (wmr100.exe) to get the data now. THis solution is working well now.
2nd jan 2007 10.36z fixes for OS WMR100 : now uses the supplied usb.dll file, much better alround!
30th Dec 10.36y build 11. If you click on cancel in the colour or font selection, its now not used.
29th Dec 10.36y build 10 Added option to update data for 3600 station every 30 seconds. Fixed bug with reboot pc if no data for 10 minutes option with USB data type stations. Buil 10 update: now correctly uses the daily rain total from the vws data.csv file
28th Dec 10.36y build 09 . Buf fix for ELV WS300 for barometer and rain. Added 30 second HTTP download option (good for IP webcams).Logfile fix for cambell scientific station
24th Dec 10.36y build 08 update:Fixed bug with temp/hum graph on autoscale graph for 24 hour graphing period.Bug fix with hours of frost custom tag.Also fixed bug with plotting UV on main screen graph for when oC in use and temperature are close to or less than 0oC
23rd Dec 10.36y build 08 Now works with WXsim for th e5 day forecast...see that option in the 5 day forecast (select the plaintext.txt file in the noaa ftp download to use for the 5 day forecast and then click on the main screen icon)
22nd Dec 10.36y build 05 LED alarm will now carry on flashing (and reset after 1 hour) for all time records and not just weather warning alarm thresholds.New feature added: ability to create .swf flash movies via the moviemaker.exe (new versions of moviemaker and wdebcamcapture needed with the full install)
21st Dec 10.36y build 03 Fixes dusk not changing to nighttime bug
20th Dec 10.36x build 19 . Fixes noaa warnings emails not been sent again after first time if time between sends is greater than 2 hours. Fixes maximum average windspeed not being remembered after restarting WD
19th Dec 10.36x build 16. Rearranged tbhe input daily weather, and you can now enter the current conditions (e.g if staionless mode)
18th Dec 10.36x build 15 Fixes a bug with the windchill on the web table.Also strips out control characters from the noaa metar conditions option in the clientraw file for solar description. 3D trend graph now not 3D, easier now to compare other year plots
14th Dec 10.36x build 14 Fixes the clientrawsolar description and each setting option now works ok day and night.Option to use different remote directory in the customise internet and file creation setup now works correctly (for new setups) (with the new ftpupd.exe version in the full install). Instromet average windspeed now better. Fixes recreation of the averages/extreme page for the current month, NOAA 5 day forecast working better again.Web page search function now works auto.
12th Dec 10.36x build 10 Fixes metar icon (in the metar window) not updating (after some changes I had made)
11th Dec 10.36x build 09 Fixes introduced problems with the graph history. Cm snow input from input daily weather on the main screen rain area fixed.
8th Dec 10.36x build 01 Fixes solardetail and snowdetail upload with the daily averages/extremes if using jpg images option. WMR100 should show temperature correctly below freezing now. Fix for 3D temp/wind /rain plot for last year temperature/wind. Added check to close any moviemaker.exe program still running, and also used this new method to closes the fetch3600.exe for the lacrosse 3600 station. Metar data should update better now. Fixed solar % ploting on solar real time graph for WS2010/WS2500 stations
6th Dec 10.36w build 10 Added current snow depth to the clientrawextra.txt With the WMR100 station, if the USB connection is removed or lost, and then re inserted or found, then WD will be able to carry on getting data now (would not before)
4th Dec 10.36w build 08 Added ability to use modified rain gauge with the 3600 station. Added new 6 hour web graph option to the customise internet and file creation setup. Average windspeed for the year custom tag added.Also you can now use a vortex anenometer with the a Davis VP.Solar description works better for 1 hour after and before sunrise/sunset (does not  use a 10 minute average over that time now). Also fixes bug with after going to input daily weather, the text scroll on the main screen appears where the date was.
1st Dec 10.36w Build 05 full install. Fixed bugs with the FTP noaa download, the ability to select different download locations now works, and the ability to set different times to download for setup #2 and setup #3 now works too (check that you have not lost your download times) (includes new ftpupd.exe version). Fixes cant create clientraw.txt file error (occurs after that file is now in UTF-8 format).Yesterday rain for Cambell Scientific station now also fixed (new update). WD now rejects the La Crosse 2310 false windspeed reading of 25.5m/s spike.
29th Nov 10.36w build 02 full install: Now you can save customisation of postions/size of objects on the real time graph.Also fixed crashing of the moviemaker.exe, with a new version of that.Fixes yesterday rain for the ELV WS500
29th Nov 10.36w zip update: fixes clientrawetra.txt not being updated after changed to UTF-8 format (for language characters in WDL)
27th Nov 10.36v Full update: New Ftpupd.exe version, now better info on local-> remote filenames, and checks for no remote file name and also should stop the list out of bounds error.New clientrawrealtimeftp.exe, to work with the real time webcam upload (bug fixed there)
26th Nov 10.36u build 27: Language characters in the clientraw files will now show up in WDL (the clientraw files aer now in UTF 8 mode)  :)
Added option to still show snow data on the 3D graph plot (via temp/wind /rain trend)
23rd Nov 10.36u build 23: Fixed a introduced bug with if using the tide setup, the web page/ftp was updated every minute
22nd Nov 10.36u build 21 : Now works much better with the Vaisala WXT510 , i have been able to work with a remote system, now you can select that the data is in non metric. Next I will WD to auto detect the units of each parameter instead.
21st Nov 10.36u buld 20: Added custom image #3 to the current condition area of the main screen setup
21st Nov 10.36u build 18 update: Fixes the indoor temp/hum from the ELV WS500 not working correct from extracted missed data at start up
21st Nov 10.36u zip update: wind energy hours now in 00:00 format. Fixed a bug with the logfile being lost when editing the log file in the view, averages/extremes, edit the logfile (affected US units log file).Fix for the auto scale graphs too.
20th Nov 10.36u build 18: removed the sunshine hours from the tempwindrain trend 3D graph (its a duplication that is not needed, as its available on the solardetail.gif image
20th Nov 10.36u build 16: fixes the time selected in the general ftp setup via the time picker not being saved
16th Nov 10.36u build 12 : Fixes a glitch with the view, solar detail for sunshine hours and max solar last 31 days. Now a vortex anenometer with a 2310 station works correctly. Heathkit solar instead of indoor humidity now correct.
14th Nov 10.36u update (build 09): Now the graph max gust correctly plots the max gust, as it now checks back in time, so longer graphing intervals means no missed gust plots.
12th Nov 10.36u update: The recreate the last 31 days data file now works correctly.Also fixes an introduced bug with the time/date in the wxnow.txt file
11th nov 10.36u update: Fixes with the auto scale graphs. FTP program handles lost internet connection better for Hamweather data sends and some other functions.
11th Nov 10.36t update: Fixed current conditions report on the summary image
9th Nov 10.36t update: Fixes graphs not updating when in client mode and read only set for the graph data (problem happened after graphs now use the last 31 days data file).
8th Nov 10.36t update: Added rain last month and last year to the trends. Also added alternative method for jpg creation via the 3rd party web cam setup (now no image quality loss and image size set by the image size setting and not the file size setting (much easier to get the correct image size of moviemaker). 
7th Nov 10.36t update: fixes wind energry not updating for some weather station types. Added LED's for file upload switches in the customise internet and file creation setup.WMr100/Irox USB should get connected better now at start up.Change in day and change since dec/june custom tags format now better.Also improved the setting of the icon as webcam image ...added ability to set the image to use (and override)
6th Nov 10.36t update: Recreate the last 31 days data file now works much better
5th Nov 10.36t Fixes an introduced problem with some files not being uploaded with the customise internet and file creation setup
3rd Nov 10.36s Added ability to set times to create and uload the conditions colour image independently from needing the gizmo created/upload, in the customise internet and file creation setup. Added ability to set the directory location and filename for the all day video setup in WD.A few other fixes and improvements.Also added ability to copy the all day video .wmv files to another directory (if using WD to update). Update: now the 1 wire HUB is allocated and detected and in use correctly at start up, automaticly, if using a 1 wire with another weather station.
31st Oct 10.36r update: Fixing problem of different USB devices with the Irox/Honeywell and OS WMR100 stations. Added temppanel.gif to the customise internet and file creation setup
31st Oct 10.36r zip update: Now you can import the Skyview software data from the skyview data logger from the file the skyview software has updated 9date stamped .csv file)
30th Octo 10.36r update: 24 hour wind dir plot OK now. Changeinday custom tag now works correctly, as does change in time since Dec or June
29th Oct 10.36r zip update: Fixed a bug with having web cam image as separate image at night time on summary image not showing up (and not as separate image). New update: now the wind direction plot for stations with only 16 data points is a rolling 10 minute average...much better. Also, sunshine hours are now in the format HH:MM 
28th October 10.36r update: Last day video time overide for sunset/sunrise with wdwebcamcapture now works again Ok (latest update of that with the full install).SYNOP fog now works with the fog humidity threshold in the summary image and icon setup properly.
27th Oct 10.36q : Fixed night time condition. Fixed 12 hour web graph. Added support for the OS WMR100.Problem with high latitudes and error with sunrise/set calculation fixed by setting maximum COS value in the routine (but for best results use the separate high latitude setup if above 63o latitude). Gust last hour for station types with data updates 1 minute or slower should be fixed.
26th oct 10.36p udpate:Works correctly for the ELV WS500 for missed data extraction, and also for daily sunshine hours too.
25th Oct 10.36p Fixes some icon inconistancies after clicking on the main screen icon or with the screen capture (especialy if a metar used to set the icon)
25th oct 10.36o The graph correct now works correctly (use the setup at the bottom of that screen), after the combining of the graph code into 1 procedure. New wdwebcamcapture version: let me override the hours for all day video should work again OK
24th Oct 10.36n Graph issues introduced in the recent updates should be OK now after i combined the graphing code into 1 procedure.
24th oct 10.36m zip update: Added ability to set graph data font/size. Added ability to set which extra temp 1 wire is shown in the web table.
Added option to set what data appears in the solar description at night time. Fog and windy icon should work ok now during the day of icon from solar in use.
23 Oct 10.36m update: Added 8 more custom tags for the custom screens,and 5 more for the main screen. Fixes an introduced bug with the sunshine hours last 10 minutes, and weekgra.gif
21st Oct 10.36m zip updatet: Fixes indoor temp scale pointer at mouse graph position not changing. Option to plot UV on temp/hum graph instead of THSW added.Fixes the days on the solar detail graphs for the web image.
You can now plot sunshine hours (i.e set to plot solar on the graph) for if a Irox/honeywell station.
19th Oct 10.36m Awekas direct data send (via HTTP) now works correctly (fixes windspeed problem, and adds other data)
18th Oct 10.35L update: Fixes the 24 hour date stamped graph for the aveages/extremes for the month (was incorrect for when language other than english in use). Also should be ok for the end of the month change now (but I will test that soon)
18th Oct 10.36L Update: Option to let WD control movie maker now works OK. Added ability to set the correct comport number in the open3600.conf settingf file for using a 3600 and the fetch method.Recreate the last 31 day data now works much better.
17th Oct 10.36L Fixes bug with wind direction for 48/72 hour graphs on the main screen (bug happened after change to using last 31 days data file)
16th Oct 10.36k zip update: Fixes #2 setup weather report email tuesday not be able to be unticked (will not save).  Also the days on the bottom of th e sunshine hours and max solar graphs under view, sunshine hours, is now correct (now that the graphs show the last 31 days data)
15th Oct 10.36k Full install. New wdwebcamcapture.exe and moviemaker.exe and Weatherd.exe    option to let WD control moviemaker should work now. Also added option to upload date stamped all day movie to web site, see in the webcamcapture program. Added ability to set the LCD colour on the large display
15th Oct 10.36j 3D graph with the temp/wind/rain trend now has the correct day numbers (for the days for the last 31 days). Pointer for temperature scale will now show if new option to show pointers at mouse position on graph in use (see in graph setup). Colour setup screen tidied up.
13th Oct 10.36i Added otional wunderground rapid wind/gust swap (so the wunderground rapid fire flash graphics have speed and direction around the correct way (but then the graph and table are around the wrong way)
also added optin to show pointers at mouse position on the graphs, to the graph setup (misc setup section)
12th Oct 10.36h Main alarm and mouse over hint/records set should work better now (and correctly time out after 1 hour).Also WD generated metar now has sky conditions based on your solar reading (if you have solar setup). Update: current/vs average speed chart and wind rose works for month to date reselection now